Shandi: (voiceover) Though it was popular for nose bobs in England, the "Nose Bra" never really caught on internationally. |
Shandi: Is it live, Memorex, or HDTV?! |
Shandi: "Sir, I do insist that you give me your car keys - you can't drink and drive too!" |
Shandi: "I got the Idea from screening Terri Gilliam's BRAZIL about 30 times in 48 hours, with no sleep -- how does it look?" |
Shandi: I don't think that this qualifies you to be STRAW men, Gen..... You'd all fail the Scarecrow tests immediately. |
Shandi: "Fantasy Baseball Camp" really takes on a WHOLE NEW MEANING here...*shudders* |
Shandi: "Can I have spam, spam, spam spam, baked beans, spam, spam spam and spam?" "No - the baked beans are off!" "Ok, can I have spam in place of the baked beans then?" |
Shandi: "I now knight you Earl of Dunderhead, Knight of Idiocy and Duke of ... errr, what was that last title again?" |
Shandi: "Oh come on baby, pull my trigger -- you know you want to!! Did you like it, was it good for you too?" |
Shandi: "Hey, I've got a great job, I work with a great bunch of guys and we're always playing practical jokes on each other. But I know that it will grow back, right guys? *laughs nervously* Guys?!" |
Shandi: Quick, somebody perform the Hiney-Lick Maneuver on this poor soul! |
Shandi: Is this chili HOT, or is it just me? |
Shandi: They're running because they discovered they were wearing the same shoes to Saturday's Party! |
Shandi: (kid)"What are we wearing? Well, mom's got her white hooker dress on with no underwear and Uncle Bob here is sporting the fashionably out of date sport look - what? Dad's in the Slammer, why?" |
Shandi: "You just *know* that, after a few beers, this will start to look *GOOD*" |
Shandi: At least they seem to have their heads on straight... |
Shandi: And right on time comes "Marching Band lady," our local street resident - you can practically set your clock by her marching down the street - and people take bets every day to see when her top will fall off... |
Shandi: Oooooh, Manu Pluton has *really* let himself go! |
Shandi: Mr. and Mrs. Smith had been to some therapy for their sex life and were told that an active fantasy would help stimulate their sex life a bit. I don't think they understood quite what "active fantasy" meant, though... |
Shandi: Ok, the Post-Apocalyptic Fashion Police all *KNOW* that red shoes do not go with a crinoline skirt! |
Shandi: "It's Shake & Bake Monster Mash - and I helped!" |
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