"Will Cap for Food #94"

After seeing the type of helpers he would have at Christmas time, Santa decided to chuck the elves and move his operation to Australia.

"You're doing great. Just a little while longer, and we'll have that bicycle seat ready for Ying's Christmas present!"
[Buffoon wishes to express that he really, really apologizes for that one. ;~)]

"Nice headlights. Would you guide my lay- er, sleigh tonight?"

Santa Claus helps the Afghan refugees the best way he knows how. "Who cares if Muslims don't celebrate Christmas," he said. "Everyone can use free sex toys, which would go a long way toward reducing tension in the region.... Speaking of tension in my region, hello baby...."

"It's from the marlin on top of the RV over there, Santa."
"Thanks, babe."
Old St. Nic is always getting free drinks. No matter where he is.

Santa always knew a vacation in Rio would be just the thing after a chilly Christmas and he was right! He made a point of sending Mrs. Claus to visit her Mother before leaving...

"I squeezed this out of the padding of my bicycle seat just like you told me, Santa. *Now* will you bring me that puppy I wanted?"

"Santa Claus? No, I'm his cousin, Robin Claus. I take from the bad little girls and give to the good little girls."

"Who do I have to f*ck to get a Gatorade around here? ...Forget it."

At a military staging area in Oman, boredom begins to set in in a big, big way for U.S. troops impatiently waiting for the go ahead to attack Iraq.

"Ho ho hooooohhhh that's right, send me some more of *those* Christmas cards, hotcakes! You've been a *very* good girl this year, I can see!"

"But, Santa, I thought you only came once a year!"

Obviously Santa has been VERY good this year...

Mad Max's Merry Christmas Special!!!

"Sitting at home in the North Pole, Santa swigs some more acid-tainted Gatorade, cuz this trip just seems to keep gettin better 'n' better..."

Thanks, Lady! I knew I shoulda' made a left at Walla Walla...

"Santa hasn't been the same, now that Viagra is available in the North Pole!"

Tossing bottles off the edge of the Earth is a lot easier now that he has his bike.

Finally, Santa gets his present!

Of course, Santa has something special for bad girls.

"I really love that bicycle. How much would you want for it? Hmmmm, that’s a bit steep for me. How much for just the seat?"

"Well, originally I came out here as part of a big group of girls shooting an album cover for Queen, but I discovered that I'm happiest riding around in the nude and selling Gatorade, so I thought, what the heck, you know, pursue your dreams, and all that. So, what brings YOU out here?"
"Elf molestation."
"Oooo-kay, well, I've got some customers waiting for me, so I guess I'll just head on out now..."

"All I want for Christmas is a vibrating bicycle seat!"

Get this Snapple over to Heat Miser post-haste and tell him I'm sorry about the crack about his mother being on welfare. Oh, and we're all meeting at Thunderdome later.

Thank god this beach doesn't have a nudity claus!

Not even this photo of Santa's big pre-holiday-rush blowout at the North Pole could convince President Dubya that global warming was anything but a bunch of tree-hugger hooey.

"I've got a hotdog and beer... you've got nice buns. How about a 'tailgating party,' please?"

Even in his retirement Santa still enjoyed the giving of presents. Here Santa gives this well-behaved young lady a bike. As is customary she offers Santa a drink and leaves out some nibblies.

Little known fact: one of the first signs of dehydration is a paling of the cheeks. Good thing Santa never sleeps.

"Here's your clean sample, Pantsless Claus, good luck getting that government job. And remember our deal -- I get a halter top and a Hitachi Magic Wand under the tree this year or this is the last time for you!"

Still, not nearly as disillusioning as the Santa who took a crowbar to three ATMs and set a Port-O-John ablaze during Woodstock '99.

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