"Will Cap for Food #97"

Eh, to each his own bondage fantasy.

"Um... Don't you think we're taking this 'Safe Sex' demonstration a bit too far?"

Not taking any chances with security in St. Louis, the Secret Service employs a new 'meet and greet' procedure in preparation for the arrival of President Bush.

"*snicker* Now, doesn't this beat Compound W, Roy? *giggle*" "It's not funny, Siegfried!"

'And this specimen of 'LiveahomeaGeekus' was flushed out of his mother's basement using the old 'new Tekken game trial' ruse.

At the Parvenus Psycho-Retro Reticulum Institute, paternity wounded persons with extreme childbirth issues are placed inside of the Robo-Uterus, in order to help them ease their problems that were brought about by a traumatic birth. Here we see Dr. Chad LaFountain with Jody McStantyz as he is quized on his third day in the Robo-Uterus.

The very last episode of The Red Green Show:
"Uncle Red, I've had enough of your sh** about me being a wimp! You can just hang there on that f***ing wall by your precious duct tape until you f***ing rot!!!"

"Maybe *this* will keep that Jesus bastard from getting back up again this time," said Pilate.

The climax of "Crucifixion Weekend" at Liberty Baptist seems a little contrived.

UPS drivers enter a brief pupal stage before maturing into FedEx employees.

"Quit squirming and go to sleep while I get some more for your head!" "An'...an'...an' then I'll get my wings and hatch?" "Sure! Duct tape can do *anything*!"

Earl and Jimmy Joe demonstrate the in-law guest room addition for only $2.49 (plus tax).

It took years of searching to exact his revenge, but Lester finally found the ad executive who had the bright idea of leaving him hanging stranded from a construction beam with just a Super Glued hard hat.


In an effort to respond to criticism of cultural elitism, Quentin Tarantino re-shot the 'gimp' scene from "Pulp Fiction" to use Los Angeles hillbillies instead of this original scene, which featured New York art gallery owners.

"I have to pee."
"Well, you should have thought of that before you agreed to finance your college education through anti-gravitational experiments."

"You were right -- Dr. Lechter doesn't accept my insurance. Funny... his pulse never went over 82..."

No duct tape thief is safe in "Office Space 2: Revenge of Milton"

"I told you male pregnancy was a bad idea!"

"You know Bob, I would have made a GREAT figurehead for a ship."

"Okay, I hate to say this, but I've got an itch... hey, come back! Get me down!"

Guy taped to wall: "Now, you're sure I won't get AIDS if I have sex like this?"
Guy facing him: "Absolutely not... well, unless the person you're screwing happens to be Freddy Kreuger."

Obviously, the Alien who coccooned him for facehugger implantation was a big fan of Red Green.

"Well, that's *one* way to keep your roommate from walking in on you and your girlfriend!"

Ever ask yourself what happens if the school bully never really grows up?

A Catholic high school dance spirals out of control after Father Shannon makes the tragic mistake of letting the band play a Grand Funk Medley.

"In accordance with the terms of the settlement, in six days you will become the Microsoft butterfly."

"...and thus we come to understand the difference between AD-hesion and CO-hesion... why, what's the matter, class? You don't seem at all excited."
"Honestly, Mr. Fernwalter, this experiment blows donkey-cock."
"Aw, c'mon, kids, you're just refusing to get psyched about SCIENCE! What more do you want -- I even included your principal in the presentation!"
"FERNWALTER! Consider your application for tenure DENIED!!"

"The year is 1948, and Swiss inventor George de Mestral demonstrates to NASA the futility and waste of duct tape in space operations. Soon to hit them with his new invention, Velcro, George feels very confident, and is captured in a package checking salute to anyone who would notice. He quite possibly was hinting at other applications."

"You DO realize Dave, that if you remove your hand, I WILL fall to my death. But no pressure buddy!!!"

Um... kids? I gotta pee. This isn't funny anymore. Lemme down already, huh? That quadruple venti mocha is rearin' it's ugly head.

It's not a pretty sight, when straight guys try bondage.

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