"Will Cap for Food #91"

Jackie Chan realizes he's getting too old for this sh*t when the biggest stunt he can manage in his new movie is to dress up like Elvis and leap over some babies. Apu and his wife, however, were happy to let six of their eight babies be used in the stunt.

Another dead beat dad skips the responsibilities of parenthood.

Enzio! Don't forget wine, and make sure the kids are changed!

Just as long as Elvis is happy. That's the important thing.

I never will understand Mexican weddings...

Seeing all the publicity that the city of Pamplona gets with their traditional Running Of The Bulls, the tiny town of Santa Marijuana recently began their Hopping Of The Babies event. This year begun by local Elvis Impersonator, Diego Tripas.

"Medieval Knievel was so eager to get home and eat his Jumbo Dog, he leapt three and six children at a time!"

Because without Johnny Toothsprouter, the Tooth Fairy would be out of a job.

Suddenly making the Karen Ann Quinlan Broadjump look respectable.

Divorce, California style. He gets to keep as many of the kids as he can clear in a standing broadjump.

Ricky Martin in the Spanish interpretation of "Peter Pan".

Okay, the Leap of Faith, I get. The powerful Magic Healing Frankfurter, I get. The separation of the conjoined sextuplets, I get. But what is with that black macrame handbag? I don't get that at all.

The unlucky father of sextuplets takes one final look at his babies before he begins his 800-mile sprint to Somewhere Quiet, never to return.

These babies, in a public display of child equality activism, combine their efforts to throw this 'stunt dad' up in the air and catch him again when he comes back down.

"Stand back! It’s the fabled hopping Mexican moyel!"

"This is Floyd returning to the Sandman competition in Pamplona! Hector Gonzales is floating through like a maniac, and he's put 326 babies to sleep so far. Harris?"
"That's right Floyd, Hector is on top of his game! Very precise and and judicious use of that magic sand. His closest rival, Pierre LeVage, is just slinging that sand willy-nilly! There are a lot of bystanders at the third corner who'll miss the finish, I'll tell you that!"
"This is Floyd and Harris reminding you to come back after this commerc... ZZZZZZZ..."

Señor Chorizo lets absolutely nothing stand in the way of his delivery of tasty, spicy Mexican hot dogs to all the boys and girls in the land during the fabled Fiesta de la Chihuahua Caliente.

The Esoteric Avenger's superpowers required such a precise and unusual configuration of circumstances before they'd activate that, really, by the time you gathered together the requisite number of unbaptized girls, Persian rugs, pre-Columbian juggling aids, and other bits of minutiae, the bank robbers were as good as gone.

"No, no, stupid. It's 'leap *tall buildings* in a single bound,' not *tiny babies*..."

Mothers only agree to this because it's easier than taking candy from a baby. Also the $35 will come in handy for one bitchin' manicure.

*sings* Ohhh, you better not shout, you better not cry... You better not pout, I'm tellin' you why... the Sandman's sent his lover... to town...He's jumpin' over beds, and sprints to and fro, he's a short dong and I told him so, Sandman's little lover's... in town!!!

These young boys have a promising career as Castratis thanks to this man and his yellow flying batch!

The newborns get a private screening of "MadMan's Member".

Jackie Chan, on a recent trip to India, decided to woo the crowds with an exhibition of his prowess and agility. Here, he shows off by long jumping over six babies, with a midget hanging on his back. Evel Knievel was heard to say, "Hey, I would have at least put them head to toe, and used my rocket sneakers."
The virgin bed sheets hanging from the windows were an added bonus for the crowds.

Members of the Flying Wallenda Family don't get that way just by accident.

Pee Wee Herman's initial attempts to regain the public's trust and affection were perhaps worse than what got him in trouble in the first place.

It was just a lark, a few seconds of time. But young Evil Kneivel, the baby in the first row, center, was scarred for life.

The later years were hard for Puma Man...

Baby in upper left: Hey, he sh*t his pants too!

The question ISN'T whether you'd kill Adolf Hitler when he was a baby...it's whether you'd also kill Tom Green, Carson Daly, the DELL kid, Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez, too.

Juan Knievel attempts to follow in his American cousin's footsteps...

Subway’s new delivery motto: "Neither rain nor snow nor truckload of dead babies..."

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