"Will Cap for Food #75"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

JoeCrow takes a few practice shots at annoying neighbors before heading off to Afghanistan.

In the early days of television, the first cameras were large & bulky. This one, the Ampex 500900-A, was considered a portable for on-the-spot coverage of events. The cable to the van was 10 inches around, and required 15 auto batteries to power the camera.

"You've squeezed your last Charmin."

"I'll kill that damn mosquito if it's the last thing I do...!"

"Oh nurse, enema for Mr. Bin Laden..."

Honey, I blasted the kids

Unfortunately, the neighborhood association eventually vetoed JoeCrow's proposed "addition" to the roof over his daughter's window.

After years of preparation and development, Earl finally felt ready to get those nude beach shots of Geena Davis.

JoeCrow awaits Godzilla's attack on the Philadelphia area.

I feel so secure knowing that the Bush Administration's new missile defense program is based upon '50 Sitcom Dad technology. Those guys *always* knew best!

Howard Hughes vows that "none shall pass" when it comes to defending the honor of his sweetheart, Jane Russell. Or else the Spruce Goose; historians are still arguing about that one.

Here we see one of the many William H. Macy Elves that put your cigarettes together...

We've secretly replaced John McEnroe's ball machine with an automatic missile launcher... Shhhh! His practice session is about to begin...

Oh yeah, he's not overcompensating for anything.

My guess is, since he's checking the filter and he's got the lighter and cigarettes strapped to the side, that this is going to be a Smoking Gun.

Scene cut from 'Office Space': Instead of "moving desks down to storage," Lumberg decided to put his unruly workers into permanent storage.

Ever wonder why the Austrian team was so good at the alpine events? Mortar rounds give one a little extra incentive to get down the slope faster...

They laughed at the school geek. But in adulthood, he wrought vengeance.
"Mwahahaha! Get a load of *this* spud-gun! It's lethal!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but we just can't use a man of your caliber..."

"Hmm....well, if that nice Doctor Kevork-an-ian or whatever his name is says it's backed by 100% money-back guarantee, then I guess I have nothing to lose!"

Somehow, despite his polite, well-bred manner, he was not a success with people as a vacuum-cleaner salesman. - Who knows why!

Freud is just aching to say something about this...

Dieter, you can play with your Nerf ballistic missile launcher outside, but don't aim it at Poland!

<voice over> 'FINALLY, a device that helps eradicate those pesky squirrels AND Mormons!'

William H. Macy is about to make all of Hollywood pay.

"Rupert, voted most likely to 'emulate the unabomber in some fashion' his senior year of high school, tests his new spud gun on the homecoming parade."

Say AHH...

It's amazing what you can do with a beer keg, a slinky, a coffee can, and a couple of toilet paper rolls!

Dr. Wernher von Hashbraun is seen here with his prototype pet project, the Potato Pellet Projectile Propeller. Made from a used 1939 Mercedes muffler, this piece proved to be not only ingenious, but ingenuous. It would certainly have made its way to the battlefield if not for its remarkable capability of mass-producing delicious side orders.

"Directions on how to pimp harder than two pimps with this, the Pimp Machine... Step one..."

"Suicide Squirrel's handlers prepare his latest mode of transportation, the Squirrel Gun."

Who needs a missile defense system when you've got THIS baby from Wham-O?

"Well, we did find this gizmo over on the grassy knoll, but we're pretty sure it's a paparazzi camera. Or one of those E.T. phone home sorta things. Or a confetti cannon. Or maybe a bubble maker...could be a salad shooter...actually, I gotta be honest. I don't know what the hell this thing is or why it's here." "Sir?" "Yes, Mr. Cameraman?" "You're at the wrong evidence table. You want the next one over, with the AR-15 semiautomatic machinegun with the softnose bullets." "Oh...we're broadcasting live, aren't we?" "Yes sir."

Though never officially sanctioned by the FDA, this was the first of Doc Johnson's so-called "marital aids" ever to be endorsed by the Surgeon General as having "verifiable therapeutic and stress-relieving effects for the busy single man on the go"....Though he would later retract that endorsement amid a hail of controversy.

The Russians are DEAD serious about winning the Biathalon at this year's Olympics!

As per his final request, the ashes of Dave Thomas were submerged in boiling grease and shoveled into a cardboard container normally reserved for Wendy's extra large fries. His remains were then fired through the world's largest potato gun into synchronous orbit around earth. In unrelated news, a meteorite smashed into the Ronald McDonald House, charring a lovable clown with a wave of white-hot vegetable oil. Colonel Sanders was unavailable for comment. And now, back to Roy Rogers trying to interview the hockey puck thrown across the ice by an Ex-Enron exec that won the gold medal in Ice Dancing. This is the Taco Bell Chihuaua, saying Buenos Noches!

"Then you just whack in a fresh clip of chickens, like so, and she's ready to fire!"

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