"Will Cap for Food #76"

Operating the mouse for the UNIVAC was a tough job that required full concentration. Because of this, only the operator was usually allowed in the device. But today, well, when the County Butter Queen visits, exceptions are made.

Leave it to good ol' German technology to come up wth the first automobile & bath tub. They call it, The Autobath. BTW: That's a Messercmitt KR 200. (1956)

"When we get back home, you can be in front, and I'll drive." "Okay, but no restraints this time."

"Agent 86 proudly rolls out in CONTROL's newest high-tech tool for the on-the-go intelligence operative: the shoecar."

Little known fact: George Burns and Gracie Allen were hatched fully formed from the forehead of Henry Ford.

Unfortunately, while the SausageMobile was extremely practical and environmentally friendly, the only action Seymour could get in it was a reach-around, and that only if his date had long arms. He abandoned the project to concentrate on inventing pre-buttered bread for making toast.

Herbie's great-great-grandfather looked good in his old age.

Much like the unsung Tucker automobile, the Delorean Bumper Car, while technically sound, faded into oblivion rather quickly.

"Any better?" "Nope. Reception's still bad. Drive down and make a right then!"

"Drive the new Kia Bunnycar!"

Woman: "Honey, why is that man smiling at us?"
Man: "I don't know... but the steering on this thing suddenly went bad."

Walt would sometimes get snookered on sherry, then he would drive one of the Autopia cars off the tracks and drive over small children for grins and giggles.

"You think you're having fun NOW, just wait until they unthaw us hundreds of YEARS from now! Seal the lid and begin cryogenics, Mickey!"

"Room for the kids? We're sitting on 'em!"

Van or Astrovan?

That car looks as if it's thinking "God I hope none of the guys ever see this picture... just get this over with!"

Walt Disney and Betty Hutton prepare for the 1945 edition of the annual Charity Bumper Car Rally. Sadly, their entry was disqualified when it was found that they were powered by an alcohol fueled 427 V8. But, damn, could they do wheelies in that sucker!

After Scott Baio refused to renew his contract with the series, Walt Disney, the trouper that he is, agreed to fill the role for the new season of Joanie Loves Chachi.

Early "Riding With Death" prototype testing.

For just a few dollars a month more, you can get the deluxe model with high-tech paper cup and string phone included.

"Cal Meecham and Ruth Adams finally rid themselves of Exeter."
It always brought the house down at the Sci-Fi conventions until that damn Star Trek came along.

"Happy Birthday, honey...it's your new car. Mother and I wanted you to have it. Guess you won't be coming home pregnant anymore, eh?"

Ed Begley Jr's Dad was a pioneer in the electric car industry. Unfortunately he was also a wicked pervert. His prototype car came with a blow up doll in the back, and had to be steered with your penis.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Disney.

Walt Disney and Annette Funicello test out the original model of Herby the Love Bug.

0-60 in 6.57 miles.

I tell ya, the 1950s could even make driving around in a suped-up hot rod with a hooker looking for smack seem somehow almost...wholesome.

A rare twin birth of Eisenhoweries squint and blink as they first lay eyes upon the great big world.

What's most amazing about this car (even more so than the stereophonic speaker system, the dashboard mounted black and white television complete with rabbit ears or the pre-Delorean Delorean door) is the fact that he got her pregnant in the back seat.

Microsoft enters the automotive industry by introducing the Transport 2002. (Version 2.27 available second quarter 2002)

When the tow rope releases, the nose dips and they crash land, the last thing going through their minds will be their feet.

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