"Will Cap for Food #58"

BIRTHday... Elton

O~ One little maid is a bright Yum-Yum. ~O
I see that Xigeous made it to Gateway.

Okay, what about a Kabuki version of Cinderella in which our heroine meets her Prince Charming while turning tricks as a can-can dancer in a New Orleans brothel to pay for her evil stepsisters' tuition to Barbazon Modelling School, only when she runs away at midnight she drops her diaphragm and the prince has to go to all the brothels and beauty schools and nunneries in town to see who can fit it, and the evil stepsisters do horrible, unmentionable mutilations to themselves in an effort to snag the prince for themselves, only to have their ruse discovered, then Cinderella comes along and the diaphragm fits her perfectly and Prince Charming whisks her away to live happily ever after in the castle where she'll never have to turn tricks again, except for once in a while to replenish the king's treasury in the wake of that ruinous war with France.

Nah, on second thought, it'll never work.

Sally would later regret going out with Erik on Halloween...

"The show was going great. Everything was going like clockwork. Just then Dave noticed his dad trying to revive mom in the third row after she recognized him. The plans to come out on Thanksgiving were pretty much shot to hell."

Chippendale Cho-Cho San begins a new dance routine, known forever after as the Full Kabuki.

One little maid extremely hairy
Come from a ladies' seminary
Possibly Pitty-Sing's a fairy
One little maaaaid from schoooool!

It turns out the *real* Snow White story was cleaned up quite a bit for children... ol' Snow actually got her nickname from her favorite drug, and those seven dwarfs must have had a lot of self-control to deal with her taunting and temptation.

Marcel Marceau demonstrates his new theatrical genre, Kabuki Can-Can.

Geez... I hope I turned off the iron. It would be REALLY embarrassing if I forgot that!

Kabuki Kan-Kan Revue!

"Data has taken to much more bizarre ways of expressing his 'human' side to Picard."

...and much, much more, all on tonight's edition of Kabuki Hoe-Down 2001!
*Cue Applause sign, roll opening credits...*

The long awaited sequel to the Troma hit Sgt. Kabukiman, NYPD; President Kabukiman, filmed entirely on location in Crawford, Texas, during the month of August. See, he told you it was a working vacation.

Announcing their fall line-up, SciFi Channel executive Bonnie Hammer attempts to drum up excitement for the new "Galloping Geisha" show. Hammer was unable, however, to explain just what the hell the show had to do with Science Fiction. "I like face paint!" squeaked the inept network bigshot.

Ben Affleck in "M.Butterfly at The Moulin Rouge".

Hilarity ensued when Tommy the Cross-Dresser offered to 'sucky sucky for five dollah' and a line of very large and intimidating men took him up on it. Sure, he made three hundred dollars...

"Hey, Asia: Show us your underalls!"

East meets West in the latest dance craze: The Kabuki Can-Can.

"The Sad Puppet Hour presents: 'The Mikado'"

The Kabokee Theater is proud to present: "Knee-Hi in Shanghai"

Try-outs for the Japanese Broadway hit "New Tokyo."

Welcome to the Mikado All-Drag Revue!

Bored with Tranvestite-Transylvania, Dr. Frank N. Furter travels to the Orient.

Hexidecimal's shakin' her groove thang!

"joe678 displays his surgically repaired patella tendon during his show-cancelling rendition of 'Kimono My House'."

This is why clowns and mimes shouldn't intermarry.

The FBI Academy's annual 'J. Edgar Hoover Follies' continues into its 53rd successful year.

Gary Condit's first appearance before D.C. Police was not particularly revealing.

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