"Will Cap for Food #51"

"Screengrabber's broken! Fix the screengrabber! You suck!
"Yeah, well fix THIS!"
'Know what I told Jeff this morning? Iverson. Yep.'
"Suck on that! Lousy ingrates... *mumblemumblegrumble..."

"After years of research, ballistics experts have determined that there's no way Oswald could have shot the record player that fateful day in November, 1963. What's that? Good God, someone's shot the president!"

Cock-ring manufacturing technology really hasn't advanced all that much...

Technicians at Genentech are hard at work, looking for better and faster ways to blind me with science (and hit me with technology).

Instead of boozing Gen tries direct retina injection

*sigh" "Didn't know which was the business end of the Pickle Gun, did he? There's Social Darwinism for you!"

Even in the early 1940's, men would go to any extreme to see porn.

"Yes...oh yes...work that booty, Mrs. Lincoln...oh yeah...*click* make me wet, Martha Washington! *click*...mmm, Dolly Madison, you are lookin' FINE....*click*..God, I love this Presidential nickelodeon!"

Don holds his breath, lines up the arrows, squeezes the trigger, and... bang! A perfect California Roll every time!

It's NEW, it's theraputic! It's EYE-cupuncture! It's sterile, using red-hot needles. ONLY \\$19.95 at KMart!

Five dollars for five minutes of the Viewmaster Porn 1897 is five dollars well spent!

Ever the scientist and inventor, Edward ended up complicating most everything he did, including "peeping" on his neighbor, Eileen.

"Hold on, lemme get the safety off..."

After developing the Polio vaccine, Dr. Salk was hired by a Japanese electronics company to work on a secret assignment called "The Duck Hunt Project."

Having mis-heard "kaleidoscope" for "colon-scope", Ted would soon find himself the...pardon the expression...butt of many jokes around the office.

Honest to God, the lengths some of these people will go to just to see Lara Croft naked in those video games...

"now cough."

Howard Hughes always tested his bodily fluids for viscosity. Here we see him testing a sample of his phlegm.

Early "Caption This" tests go horribly wrong...

"The Fisher-Price Theater production of "Rear Window" was not the success its backers had hoped it would be."

Rare photo of Milo W. Milanberg, a forgotten pioneer in the field of miniaturized video storage technology. Mr. Milanofski is pictured at a 1949 demonstration of what he termed "picture storage rings" and a "compact motion picture sequencer," forerunner of today's Laserdisc and Digital Video Disc systems. Mr. Milanberg, a native of Dresden, Germany, who emigrated to the U.S. in 1936, was employed as a agriculture extension officer for the New Mexico Department of Agriculture when, while assigned to a root vegetable monitoring station in Roswell NM in 1947, began to experiment with his theories on electronics. The epitaph on his tombstone, located in the town of Groom Lake NV, reads simply, "It sort of all just CAME to me one day."

Dr. Kevorkian didn't invent his suicide machine overnight. Here's one of his earlier models that was nixed due to difficulty in cleaning up afterwards.

The beta version of "battlezone."

.oO I know Generik hid that bottle in here somewhere...

Hours later, Test Subject #3 experienced several yet un-named personality disorders from watching eight straight hours of TRL. He can still be heard screaming: "Omigod! I-wanna-hear-the-backstreet-boys-'cause-they're-so-fine-and-have-off-the-hook-moves! Whoooooo!"

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