"Will Cap for Food #50"

Stick around, our own Jebediah Johnson judges the sexy swimsuit competition -- coming up next, at MTV's Summer Beach House in the Amish Country. Stay tuned...

"Just as I suspected! The Flannigan Brothers! Nice try, boys. This ball is for Debutantes ONLY."

"Nice shoes!" *Liberace as a younger man*

Margaret didn't get her skirt up as fast as the other girls, but she always was considered to be a late bloomer.

See! No more corns!

This year's Eekk, It's A Mouse! competition, sponsored by D.O.A. Mouse & Rat Poisons, was down to three contestants. Mrs. Betty Lynn Stubingmeyer, of Comstock Mo., Mrs. Freda Thomasworth, of Iron Belt, Min., & Mr. Jacky Floren, Trenton NJ.

As the Hokey Pokey National Championships continued on into their third grueling night, there was no clear winner in sight.

Ok, ladies, let's take a looksee here...oh yeah, definitely you, Marge. You got a cameltoe deeper'n a crack in the Grand Canyon!

The Mayberry Community Theatre Presents....MOULIN ROUGE!

Hokey Pokey lessons \$100.00 hour, learn from the best! 555-2285, ask for Al.

The beta version of www.upskirts.com worked all right, but it was tough getting the software out to an Internet-deprived public in the mid-Fifties.

ZZ Top: The Early Years -- A young, beardless Billy Gibbons checks to see that them girls got legs, and they knows how to use them.

At the World Hokey Pokey Championships, Line Judge Jim wanted to make sure that the final three contestants "shook it all about" just right. Sadly, Mary (contestant #2) was disqualified for putting her right arm in when it should have been out.

And the first race in the womens league of runners is off to a rather dull start.

"That's right, ladies! The new Acme Adjustable Area can serve all your modern Area needs! In fact, I'm wearing one right now!" "Oh really? Would you mind checking ours, I'm not sure if we're due for new ones yet!" *giggle*

But eventually, Justin Wilson severed all ties with the Flora Dora Girls (which he helped found), to become the beloved icon of cajun cooking we all know.

"Ok, that's it -- Quell for everybody!"

"Sadly, the Prince could find no maiden whose foot could fit the dainty glass huarache."

Life as a casting agent for the Rockettes didn't always used to be so glamourous. Hell, eight inches of flesh back then was scandalous!

"auditions begin for 'the horrors of spider island ii: the musical'."

Elmo Burford and the CanCan girls were all the rage in 1950's Indiana...then disaster struck...a sudden shortage in crinoline and lace took the bottom out of the bloomer market and they were all back on the street the next day carrying signs which read, "Will cavort for food."

Working in Black&Decker's Sandpaper Research Division didn't pay much, but it made for some interesting days. Roy liked collecting sample the best.

"Here we join the 1925 'Ms. Daytona Spring Break Wild Gams' contest where things have gotten so out of control, underwear has been spotted."

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