"Will Cap for Food #47"

"I just LOVE Bozo the Clown's yo-yos!" "Yeah, and these toys with the strings ain't so bad, either..."

'Heh, heh. You know they love me for my moves! Yeah, baby!'

As always, the guy with the longest string gets all the women.

(Whispering) "I love the way his butt shakes when he does Walking The Dog!" "Ooh, yeah! He can twirl my yo-yo's any day!" *giggle*

Waldo would lure ladies to his office with his yo-yo prowess. Then, just as they were as giddy as little school girls, he'd perform his famous 'round-the-world trick, and break all their kneecaps. Waldo secretly hated women.

The best part about Yahoo's corporate acquisition of Yoyodyne Entertainment -- "goin' around-the-world" with the new secretarial pool, if you know what I mean....

It's Yo's & Ho's on the next Jerry Springer!!

"Everybody liked the gas powered vibrating diaphagm, but the pull cord starter takes some getting used to."

1975: The never-before-seen first pilot for "Charlie's Angels" starred Gavin MacLeod as 'Bosley', skilled in the ancient Stoogial Art of yo-yo fighting. With Mr. MacLeod are finalists for the roles of the Angels (L to R): Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Kaye Ballard, Olivia Hussey, Tracy Austin and Joyce Dewitt.

And you thought you worked with a bunch of Yo-Yo's

"Hello, I'm Alan Funt. We've all seen the hilarious 'wallet on a string' bit before. Well, in our next Candid Camera segment we take a sack full of McDonald's Cheeseburgers and a spool of twine down to Skid Row, and you won't believe what our cameras caught!"

BullsEye9 reveals its latest cutting edge technology.

Graham illustrates that, while the new adult toy sensation Testicles On A String is quite popular with the ladies, there is a certain type of gentleman who also gets a great deal of pleasure from it.

Live from the LBJ Library, it's the LBJ Memorial Yo-Yo Contest!

They always said Howard was good with his hands...

Yet another example of the reality being a far, disappointing, cry from the fantasy. Take James Bond Double-Oh-Seven, here, for example...

Yo Yo Ma, Yo Yo Aunt Fritzie, Yo Yo Sis, Yo Yo Cousin Frank (partially hidden), Yo Yo Pa, Yo Yo Cousin Betty Jean, Yo Yo Friend From Down The Block Marie.

o/` Rocky Mountain Toy-sters
o/` It's the Testes on a String
o/` Women want 'em, men'll flaunt 'em
o/` Come and give 'em a fling!

"How to Attract Chicks" by Lionel Duncan "Yo-yo" McDweeb
(girls on right) "Did you notice the *length* of his yo-yo?!" "*sigh*"

"As the only guy in the class, Bob had no trouble finding girls who'd go 'around the world' with him."

"Thanks to progressive new legislation in Hawaii, now women aren't the only ones who can carry around their spouse's jewels on a string."

"Welcome to the 10th Annual Mormon Heights Yo-Yo Competition! Here we have Reddy Kilowatt and his extended family warming up for the semifinals. Later tonight, he and his comely harem will demonstrate the famous 'around the world' trick! Stay tuned!"

"Not so fast, Batman. You have yet to face the fury of YoYo-Ma and his Duncan Divas!"

*whispering* "Should we tell him his pants are split?"

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