"Will Cap for Food #29"

Our crack team of auto-technicians, Dewayne, Billy Bob, & Mama. Go over every used car here at Cooter's Autopia. Using their twelve point process. Assuring you, that each and every car is a good'en. So, come on down to Cooter's Autopia. Where this weekend We have the chicken drop contest and free ballons or the young'ens.

'Well, here's your problem! Your gerbils gone and died on ya.'

In next year's Baja Challenge 500, expect the team from Rialto to enter a vehicle modified to run entirely on Schlitz. They did it because they decided the transmission fluid tasted better than the 12-pack they had just bought from Liquorama.

Following the Volkswagen stuffing example of "them danged yankee college students," rednecks of Toad Suck, Arkansas were inspired to see how many of them could fit into the engine compartment of a Ford Bronco.

Never buy a motor vehicle unless, when you look in the engine compartment, you can see the ground. However, if the ground has made it's way *up into* the engine compartment, it might be better to look elsewhere for transportation...

"Keep lookin'! That deer's gotta be in here somewhere..."

"Now git in thar and start runnin' them legs!" After an intense three-week training course in Gerbil Wheel Running 101, Jim-Bob was finally ready for his first real test drive.

"I told ya!" "Well it kept the freakin' pizza *hot* didn't it??" "Tanner? sometimes I think yer nothin' but a big ball of cheese made up to look human."

"Dude! I'm tellin' ya, there ain't nothin' under there that'll open a bottle! If you'd drink domestic, instead of that fancy schmancy imported crap, it'd at least have a twist top! Want a Schmidt?"

The boys knew that they had better take advantage of Daisy Duke tied up, spread-eagle, under the hood quick, before Boss Hog showed up and spoiled all their fun.

"Aw, we can fix THIS! It looks jes' like Mama's car!" (actual quotation from one of several severely inebriated mechanics, all with a remarkable resemblance to the people in this photo, examining my car when it broke down in Frog Lick, South Carolina [I kid you not] several years ago. Nine excruciating hours later, a tow truck arrived from Charlotte, NC, 70 miles away).

Everybody tries to sneak into an Arkansas drive-in movie theater. But very few ever survive to try it a second time.

The first annual White Trash convention was a huge success...

As the banjo music played in the background, the leader of the band of backwoods redneck hillbillies was heard to say, "He shore got a purty grille, don't he, Cletus? Come on, make 'im squeal. Make 'im squeal lahk a PEEEEG!"

Next on Fox, Redneck Clown Car. Watch as 16 Rednecks move inside the engine compartment. Watch to see who gets voted out from under the "Hood". This weeks challange... Oil filter eating.

"I told ya he'd never get a whole Blazer up his ass. Dang, we'll never get this thing clean . . . "

Leslie West keeps careful watch while his road crew scopes out his suggested burial spot.

How did you get my prom pictures?

The next season of Survivor places 18 poor slobs in the Australian Outback with a broken-down Hum-Vee. Traci is caught sipping from the radiator water (used for lizard poaching) instead of the antifreeze. Traci is promptly voted off the edge of the cliff.

Remember kids don't drink and drive. Save the alcohol for after the accident. (or the true story is just as funny - the road made a left and we didn't)

After the Cornwallis Emergency Medical Team arrived at the scene of the accident, they were surprised to discover that the victim was a rabid Chevy Blazer, foaming at the grille... it had to be put down -- as did the owner!

"Oh, now I see why it won't start, Buford. You bought a Dodge."

o/ Come alonnng and ride on a...Rather Disturbing Voyage... o/

Martha Stewart's new book, "Engine Block Cooking For An On The Go Generation", has brought a measure of elegance to weekend Four Wheeler Rallies. Here we see Turk McFlab checking on his Southwestern Stuffed Chicken with fennel and carrots.

As the unearthly vehicle exerts its Hellish mind control on the helpless locals, hipnotically forcing them to climb into its gullet to slake its unholy thirst for human blood, we have time to utter "...So?".

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