"Will Cap for Food #28"

As California Landlords become more and more greedy, the average renter is forced into more "novel" housing arrangements.

The MacTavish Brothers, on emigrating to the United States, were able to acquire immediate employment as a Human Sail. Unfortunately, when Hamish bulked up on a diet of haggis and pie, their career was short lived. Made the boat top heavy, you see...

O~ We are the Linemen for the county.~O (LAME)
Try this, Hey, wanta see us pole dance? Buford, Raymond, Hank, Bobby Joe, Marcelle, Trent & Junior! Ya'll go & put on yer G-strings.

This is the Pole Standers second album 'Making a Circut to You Babe!' right? God I hate 70's California rock.

"After Fun Boy Three bottomed out, The Specials got back together for a reunion tour."

Getting a job as a member of John Holmes' "fluffing" crew used to be one of the most sought-after gigs in the porn industry.

Live from the Stud Ranch, it's Pole Dancers of the Oooooold West!

And they told me Mexican workers don't grow on trees...

"Well, GOL-LY! It's one 'o them newfangled Man-trees! Edna!! Edna, git over here and pick you out a man off this man tree! I'm takin' a liking to that one with the tie on. He jes' looks like a real good 'un!"

Texas A&M "former students" finally devise a plan for a safe, yet happy bonfire - burning cadets!

Time Warner Cable, We string the wires so you don't have too!!

The Department of Agriculture released their summer crop yield estimates today, predicting a better than average harvest of Linemen-For-The-County.

Sure, you can call the fire department to get your cat down from a tree, but who do you call to get the fire department down?

Inspired by the sucess of Julia Butterfly, these six men have vowed not to come down till the Lumber industry promises not to cut down this beautiful gift of nature. Unfortunately for them, they had climbed a telephone pole.

*Pusillanimous Polecats*

Poles come to America and develop their first housing project!

Imagine Gulliver's shock when he wakes up to find the Lilliputians have decided to climb Mt. Penis.

Nathan Lane expresses some worry when he looks to the sky: "Well, it looks like it's clouding up men some, but unless there's a big earthquake or a lightning storm, I don't think it will be raining men any time soon. Damn!"

"...four...five...six. Six Sci-Fi tech support people treed! Damn, I'm good!" mused Fifi, the miniature Poodle, "Now where's that Hammer woman? I've got a -special- treat for her..."

It wasn't that John Holmes minded being used in such a manner, but....

Local Electrical Union # 714 board members would hold secret meetings when ever raising union dues became an issue.

Before parents would admit that children were conceived by parents having sex, propaganda campaigns like this "Men Grow on Trees" ad hid the truth from America's youth.

Yeowza Yeowza Yeowza -- the latest in artificial Christmas Trees!! Hurry Hurry, get em while they last -- there's only 6 months left till Christmas!

Coming to a power line near you soon: The Phoning Wallendas!

Asked why he mounted an expedition to Mount Ron Jeremy, George Mallory replied, "Because it's there, sweetie."

In the wake of the Boy Scouts' recent anti-gay victory in the U.S. Supreme Court, these former scout masters' development of the idea for a new Pole Dancing Merit Badge is put on indefinite hold.

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