"Will Cap for Food #30"

Fishing at Lego/Plaid World was encouraged until Earl decided use Halan's daughter as bait...

Sooo. . how are the humans biting today ? Ah, we caught a few there. But, not a big mess yet. What you using for bait? Oh, these barbque corn chips. Yeah, they really ike 'em there.

Yup. And the Loch Ness Monster is just a goldfish for giant aliens.

Time has not been kind to the members of They Might Be Giants.

C'mon Herb, I'm bored. Let's go to that tiny cafe on Main and get one of those delicious miniature sweet rolls.'

After Gulliver landed the job as an Insurance Salesman in Lilliput, he was able to persuade the Lilliputians to kidnap Lyndon Johnson to be his live in lover. They hit it off so well they decided to adopt and here, with daughter Trixie, we see the family out for a day of fishing.

A sudden attack of flatulence and two entire families were instantly wiped out...

Norman Rockwell's heartwarming pictures of traditional small town murderous rampages are cherished by giants the world over.

Just because you're a giant, doesn't mean you escape emotional turmoil, as seen here in the "National Geographic" pictorial entitled - 'Sad Sack and the Pedophile Over Lake Elsinore.'

Uncle Edgar couldn't decide if he was just there for the fishin' or if he really kinda liked having that family's chimney stuck up his ass.

"Oh, yeah, you eat 'em just like sardines -- bones and all. They're REAL tasty... Huh? Fish? Oh, I wouldn't know. Haven't caught any fish yet."

"Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of America's young-uns!"

"Whatcha think, Frank... are fish sadistic or masochistic? I mean they see a hook with a big chunk of disembodied friend hanging in the water and they want to eat it."

The fish are really biting today, I got me a pantload of tiny, tiny, fish. Now, if you don't mind, I'm sitting on the church and I have the steeple up my yazoo.

Deep Throat and The Cigarette Smoking Man enjoy some fishing while a young Samantha Mulder looks on.

"Great idea, Dr. Cyclops, using them rebellious little bastards for bait. Hope I catch me a- whoa!! I got a bite now!! Get the net, honey!"

After exposure to unknown radiation, the freakishly mutated Lyndon Johnson, Arthur C. Clarke, and Sandra Bernhardt quickly established dominion over a tiny New England fishing village.

For some reason, *everything* they catch is too small to keep.

Slim: "What you doing, Clem?" Clem: "Fishing for minnows. Going to mount one on my business card." Slim: "Hmmm... got another pole?"

That is the damn ugliest fish I ever seen

"The sun is shining, the fish are biting, and I've got a chimney wedged up my ass. It doesn't get any better than this."

Jim Garrison, Michelle Williams, and X from the first season of X Files relax in Liliput on a much needed vacation. The fishing's great, but on the down side it is a catch and release lake, because let's face it, they would decimate entire species just for a snack.

"Y'know Bert, since they built that nuclear reactor across the river, I've never felt so dang peppy!" "Same here, Jim! How are the tankers bitin'?"

o/`"two of these ears just aren't like the others, two of these ears just don't belong..."`\o heh heh, you just KNOW this was a rejected episode of Sesame Street!!

Just another model fishing day. 1/2 scale that is!

"Weeelllll, I thought this was a great concept we had for our American sequel to 'Godzilla Vs. Megalon,' but it just doesn't pack a punch yet." "Hmmm. Maybe we should make the girl more threatening or something?" "Nawww, we just need some fish to bite."

You can give a 60 year old Drew Carry a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But if you show Drew how to fish, be careful he doesn't sit on your neighbor's house and take a "free fish from the day before" dump down their chimney.

Post-Apocryphal Vision Number 58", from "Norman Rockwell's Guide To The Twilight Zone": Though they had yet to work out the details of who got to be Who Trinity-wise, Herb, Stan, and young Kathy all agreed that they would like their new role comprising the triune godhead of a small midwestern town. And the townsfolk themselves were sure to appreciate a respite from the more traditionally fire-and-brimstone -laden deity previously incarnated as that creepy little Billy Mummy kid.

James Gregory (right) in the pilot for "The Atoms Family" (1957, Paramount). Laughter ensues when a very minor radiation leak gives new meaning to the term "nuclear family". With Dave Garroway as the Bumbling Liberal Investigative Reporter.

Nixon and Johnson agree: Hoover's Whoville is the place for Ex-Presidents to be! On the banks of scenic Lake LBJ, enjoy fly fishing and mini golf...plus free hot dogs for the kids!

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