"Will Cap for Food #27"

Tree-son charges were brought up today... No, wait - The Lindburg Baby... No, wait - Ma and Pa Kettle... Fuck, Gen, I can't make this funny!

"I don't care if you take my baby, but leave my damned tree alone!"

During the Depression a special branch of the WPA was formed to enforce pooper-scooper laws. These laws also applied to infants, and for displaced Okies, lugging around sacks of poop was only insult to injury.

I dint know tekin this heah tree worz wrong? I jes wanted a little floral fer my Vanna...

White Baby Days at Macys is this weekend only... and the first 100 customers with donatable White Babies will recieve a sapling for their yard!

How Cabbage Patch kids are REALLY made!!!

This young sapling is my boy! And you or nobody else can break up our family! The Lifetime movie. The Tree is my child. Starring Forest Tucker. kay Bush & introducing Timmy Timber as Cody.

OS: "I cannot tell a lie, father, *points* 'twas Julius and Ethel Rosenburg took the cherry tree! Damned commies!"

'You'll drag my Jerusalem fig from my cold dead hands!'

Twin sisters Fern and Frieda Fleener are seen leaving Cedars of Lebanon Hospital with their parents after Fern was released. She had suffered a serious case of Dutch Elm Disease contracted shortly after birth.

"No pictures, no pictures! The tree's sensitive to flash photography. No pictures, please!"

.oO Well no wonder the frickin' tree top was rocking! Good thing Mom was able to catch me... but what the hell happened to my cradle?

"Honey, its not what you think, its just some birch I picked up on the way home."

Ralph and Dolores Henderson of Grovers Mills, New Jersey, hurried to be the first to welcome the Martian hordes with the traditional gift of a fruit tree. Dolores was also prepared to hand over Baby Estelle, should the fruit tree prove insufficient. Upon learning that the whole "Martian invasion" thing was a radio play, the Hendersons offered the tree to Orson Wells. Baby Estelle was returned safely to her playpen.

"John Burkett, Claudette Colbert, Baby Leroy, and Timothy Farrell in 'Honey, I Didn't Change the Baby,' tonight on You're $hittin' On Me Theater, exclusively from Larchmont Studios."

Recent immigrants Paulo and Maria-Theresa Sangiacomo are a bit bewildered to discover that their "Welcome To America" package includes an American baby, an elm tree, and a Mafia escort to their palatial new digs on the fashionable West End of town.

"But first, you must bring us - A SHRUBBERY!!!!"

"Long before Alec Baldwin and Tommy Lee were even born, Charles Chaplin was taking big swings at paparazzi for invading his families privacy; the stories say Chaplin grabbed whatever was handy and just started swinging."

Uncertain whether the story of a Cuban band leader and his zany red-headed wife making it in NYC would "sell" in the sticks, the studio execs first tested a more toned-down, "white bread" version. Here, we see Richie & Lucinda Richards at Richie's workplace, the tree nursery, which for some reason he calls "the club". Hilarity would soon ensue as Lucinda would constantly beg to be allowed to plant the trees, too. (Footnote: Television historians are uncertain why that guy from the Jack-Ruby-shooting-Oswald photograph is in the background.)

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