"Will Cap for Food #174"

.oO{Dayyyy-yum, that last guy's ass was smooth! And so shiny, too! I wonder what he uses on it...maybe it would work on my head, too... I gotta find out his secret...}

*to self*… 'Anything unusual, huh? Ok. I’m on it! They can trust in me! Officer Rodeoclown is on the Job! Unusual, hmmmmmm……..'

Nothing to see here, move along. Okay people, there's nothing to see here, move along. Let's go folks, there's nothing toooo!??! WOW, check out the unit on that dude?!?! He's hung like a bear!?

.oO My my, there sure are a lot of suspicious-looking buff guys here today! Oo.

On the plus side, the airport screeners happily waved the usual pat-down search.

.oO That reminds me... I gotta take my other uniform to the cleaners and get it pressed.

Happily retired from politics, Jesse Ventura spends his days providing security to important sporting events such as the San Francisco Cellulite 5k.

Bare butts, bare butts... Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Officer Dan was highly disappointed that no one would switch shifts with him. It would be the first time in seven years that he would not be able to participate in the race. There’s always next year.

"Funny thing, I always thought them flamingo dancers was Spanish..."

*muttering* "Ass me no questions, I'll tell you no lies... ass me no questions, I'll tell you no lies... ass me no... Hey! Hey you! Ass me no questions, I'll tell you no lies! ...Heh. I always loved that one..."

Though he had clearly been told to be on the lookout for a group of "nude bank robbers with flamingoes on their heads," Sgt. Fenster of the SFPD would later state in his own defense, "Hey, one of the nudies wasn't wearing a pink flamingo; he was wearing a baseball cap. So how the hell was *I* supposed to know it was the same bunch...?" This, of course, was several months before President Bush nominated him to head the Department of Homeland Security.

Ok, let's parse TELETUBBY. Tele and TUBBY!! In hetero, the expression is MORE CUSHION FOR PUSHIN'. In gay parlance, would it be "more flab for the stab, more bum for my cum, more ham for the ram, more plump for the hump or just Gaydipose tissue??"

Now, now, people -- what G. Gordon Liddy does on his free time for his own pleasure is NONE of our business.

"Oh hell... I thought it was a brass band parade."

Jamie Hyneman looks on as The Mythbusters test the theory that cold weather makes the human male scrotum shrink in on itself.

Candid photo of Officer Jed Hazard, who would later go on to compose the song, "I Left My Lunch In San Francisco."

.oO Forget Bush. Someone desperately needs to tell *these* people that they have no clothes on. Oo.

Every year, hundreds of flamingoes are born with leg deformities which resemble pasty-ass white people. Won't you please give to find a cure?

"Boy, howdy, look at the size of that thing! Long, pink, and stiff... it is curved quite a bit, though. Yessir, that is one good-looking flamingo."

oO If I wanted to stare at a bunch of asses all day, I could have just stayed at the station Oo

People often go crazy during the "Let it all hang loose" Race and Parade.

Following closely behind were PETA protesters begging these people to wear fur.

"Well, at least this way we know they're not carrying weapons. I think."

.oO(Holy sh*t! That woman with the purple wig and combat boots looks just like my mom. Hey, wait a minute. That *is* my mom!)Oo.

Man, thought Ted, with an entrance exam this difficult, he'd never make detective!

Cheeky bastards!

.oO Flamingoes. Now I've seen everything... Oo.

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