"Will Cap for Food #173"

The Bozorociter takes care of nearly all those pesky clown duties so Bozo doesn't have to! That's right! Horn honking? Done! Confetti shooting? Done! Why, this baby does everything but make balloon animals! Yes, Bozo's hands are now free to pass out more treats to all the kids! Just uh, don't ask how he makes those balloon animals at the same time...

Heeeyyy KIDS!? Be the first on your block to get your very own Official Bozo The Clown I-Pod! All you have to to do is send in 150 Starbuck Double Latte cup covers & $5.99 (for shipping & handling) to:
Bozo's I-Pod Give-Away
154900 East Whacker Street, Suite# 340932-Q
Kanakakee, Ill. 28939-8732

Pee-Wee's Playhouse 90

Bozo relives the horrors of his bris.

Just goes to show you, if you put ANYTHING up for sale on eBay, some clown will buy it.

The Ohio Secretary of State assures reporters that the voting machines in the state all worked properly.

Much to his dismay, Bozo finds out first hand just how wrong it is to mix Viagra, Cialis, AND Levitra.

Federico Fellini's adaptation of "I, Robot" was both a critical and commercial flop.

"If Picasso Had Watched TV When He Was a Child," #217 in a series. Age 5: young Pablo suffers severe emotional trauma while sitting in the studio audience of the children's program Buenos Dias, Ninos y Ninas!. HEY CABRITOS, QUE HORA ES? *ES RISAS AHOGADAS EL TIEMPO ANARQUISTA DEL CLOWN!

"Oh NO kids! It reflects the fundamental meaninglessness of our existance!"

"Bozo has been divorced a very, very long time kids."

"You think it's easy to produce the Tears of a Clown when there's no one around, huh, Mr. Smokey Robinson? Do you? Well, let me just show you exactly how it's done, you high-voiced bastard! C'mere, you!!"

Bozo shows the world how to build a better mousetrap.

"Bush Administration's Geneva Convention interpreter."

"Hey, Hey kids! Here comes Sideshow Dalek!"

If you think the women's room at Stuckey's is bad, thank GSod you're not a man... and if you think the men's room at Stuckey's is heinous, thank god you're not a clown.

"Uh-oh! Messing with the Time-Space Continuum is a Bozo No-No!"

Carnac the Magnificent: "Salvador Dali, Rube Goldberg and Bozo."
Ed McMahon: "Salvador Dali, Rube Goldberg and Bozo."
rips open envelope
Carnac: "Name a surrealist, a cartoon inventor and a clown."
Ed: "Name a... huh? But... but that's not funny! That doesn't even rhyme!"
Carnac: "Look, gimme a break, would you? I've been dead less than a week, how funny do you think you'll be in my position?"
Ed: "Hiyo!!"

(starkbalmy sends along apologies for this one)

One is a Miro. The other is a Moron.

I'd like to write a funny caption for this, but I think my brain just shut down in sheer horror.

Bozo's "tickle my bobo" machine raised more than a few eyebrows.

Tim Curry has trouble letting some roles go...

"At last, Rumsfeld locates the weapon of mass destruction."

"We clowns do not understand modern art."

As his producers frantically spun the Rolodex looking for his analyst's number, Bozo began to explain to the children how representing his mother in sculpture had at long last helped him to overcome a number of grown-up "issues."

Next on the Super Station WGN Channel 9:
BOZO's Psycho Circus.
Good old fashioned Nightmare Fuel.

Reacting to complaints from many Americans that clowns are, indeed, frightening and disturbing creatures, the Department of Defense unveiled its new "Clown-Smasher 3000" earlier this week...

Few remember the brief but disastrous time Bozo was the prop diva for MST3K.

If he hadn't insisted on dressing like that, he would have been recognized as another Marcel Duchamp.

"Whoooa there!! What was that? Hey, stop that Mr. Monster!! Cut it out!! That's a Bozo no-no!!"
"F**k you, clown."

Fortunately - and deservedly - few people remember the horrendous season in which Dr. Who was played by Bozo The Clown, as part of an ill-conceived maketing campaign for the quirky British science fiction show. It was with a sense of confusion merged with mounting anger that fans of the Good Doctor saw hypno-disks and fart-sound simulators incorporated into the once-intimidating robotic race known as the Daleks.

This week on The Chronicles of Neverland, our happy host shows us where the 'Jesus Juice' is made.

Not only did Bozo's machine fail to go "ping!", but it also attempted to punch him in the balls every time he turned it on.

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