"Will Cap for Food #167"

Tens of people flock to this museum each year to marvel at the celebrity anal bead exhibit. Why there's Boy George's set! And Robert Downey Junior's! And those custom-designed beads on the end with the five o'clock shadow? Why, those are George Michael's beads! The list goes on and on! Bring the kids! Fun for the whole family!

Look, it's a Borg Christmas Cube.
O~ Oh Xmas Cube-Oh, Xmas Cube. Re-sis-tence Is Futile! ~O

The 8,386th wonder of the world. The hanging contraceptive sponge gardens of the Jersey Shore.

"Not only is it smaller than the Univac, but it can also perform up to 500 calculations per hour. But really -- who needs that kind of processing speed?"

A lesser-known UFO cult waits for an appearance at this year's Burning Man...

Radcliffe thought he could build an abacus capable of solving differential equations.

Radcliffe was wrong.

Rubik's Perpetual Motion Machine makes it's debut in Nepal...

The hardest thing about playing Three-Dimensional Chinese Checkers is figuring out how to make the first move.

Man! That is one intense candy machine! Now, do I want Goobers or Starburst?

The "crystal structure" display was badly damaged by the sandstorm. I knew it was a bad idea to build a science museum in the middle of the Sahara.

"I swear, I don't think Alexander Calder is even trying any more."

On a slow day at the Louvre, The Blue Boy saunters over to an Alexander Calder piece.

"Deadheads gather from miles around to see the box of rain."

"Lost golf-ball monolith."

.oO(How exactly do I interact with THIS thing naked?...)

You Are Here

Rubik's Golf Course.

It's BORG art; of COURSE it's cubist!

At the "Neuticles" processing plant, the balls are literally hung out to dry...

Sostratus looks in amazement at the wonder of Pharos 2.0.

Wishing to start a new religion, but not wanting to cover familiar territory, Stan begins worshipping subway tokens ...

Having long since Howard Hughes'ed out on life, Bill Gates has spent seventeen billion dollars constructing bazillion-to-one-scale reproductions of salt crystals, one of which he is shown here contemplating. Next on the agenda: The world's biggest Margarita.

[TS] "What exactly are you doing?"
[William] "Looking for the hidden picture."
[Brody] "If you stare long enough, you're supposed to see some hidden, three-dimensional picture."
[TS] "Oh, yeah, look, it's a sailboat."
[William] "You saw it too? Damn it!"
[TS] "What?"
[William] "I've been staring at this thing for a week now, and I can't see a goddamn thing!"
[Brody] "You gotta relax your eyes."
[William] "Everyone sees this thing except me. Today's my day. I brought a lunch and a soda...I'm not gonna leave until I see this sailboat everyone keeps talking about."
(Continued, next column)

TeekieT (Continued):
----> a while later....

[girl] "What's he doing?"
[Mother] "If you stare at this poster for a few seconds, a hidden picture appears."
[kids together] "Can we do it, please, please?"
[Mother] "All right, go ahead. But hurry, the easter bunny's waiting."
[boy] "Wow, it's a schooner."
[William] --Chuckles-- "You dumb bastard. It's not a schooner; it's a sailboat."
[boy] "A schooner is a sailboat, stupid-head."
[William] "You know what? There is no easter bunny! Over there, that's just a guy in a suit!"

This is the biggest waste of 729 light bulbs I’ve ever seen aside from the marquee announcing William Shatner performing Shakespeare in Esperanto.

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