"Will Cap for Food #162"

Robin Williams is Lookalike #74 in Saddam Hussein Visits America, tonight on VH1's Movies That Rock.

Coming this Fall to Pax Tv.
Sargent Jo Jo: USMC*
(*United States Monkey Corps)

"I served in the Texas Air Guard with George W. Bush. And lemme tell ya: that f**kin' guy could drink us all under the table!"

Captured!! Number 123,125,658 on the Most Wanted Iraqi list. Film at 11.

Hey, is that Doonesbury contest for proof of Bush's service still on?

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. I do not look like a monkey. I'm George W. Bush, and my handlers approved this message."

Look, you can blather on with your John Kerry Looks French all you want, I still say W looks a little Italian to me.

General Grog promises you, death to the damn, dirty humans before the year is out.

George Bush made the monkey face once too often in public and now it's stuck that way.

"When you put your hand into a bunch of poo that a moment before was in your best friend's diaper, you'll know what to do. And I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his zoo. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his zoo."

"Mission Accomplished"

The democrats latest convention year prank, they dressed up two hundred of these monkeys and sent them into the republican national convention causing Charlton Hesston to run screaming from the podium having 1970’s flashbacks.

"Get your hands off me you damn dirty human!"

While announcing some very basic changes in the system itself, Tom Ridge informed a wary public that the Terror Alert Level had just been raised from Rhesus to Capuchin.

"Wartime for Bonzo"

Not much of a turn-out for the Michael Jackson Militia.

Though they were small in stature, the Poo-Flinging 57th had a reputation for being some of the fiercest fighters in any branch of the service.

And during one of Dubya's many photo ops onboard military vessels, a freak accident occured with a cloning device and a rubber band -- causing our commander in chief to devolve for 2 weeks and serve in the army...

"It's not about bananas, it's about freedom!"

"Don't f**k with me... I'm ready for GORILLA warfare."

And, somewhere, Charlton Heston is silently weeping...

I knew our troops were spread thin and they were looking everywhere for personnel, but this...

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announces yet another attempt to make the armed forces lighter, faster and able to work for peanuts.

...and in a related story, the administration announced it had finally found a way to rotate the reservists out of Iraq...

Due to the new draft laws and PETA's mission to give animals the same rights as humans, George Bush Introduces the "New Army"

Proof Bush served in the military.

"...and I say to anybody who questions the validity my National Guard duty during the Vietnam conflict: take a look at this beauty of a photo op."

"I hate Rhesus to pieces!"

It's so easy, even a monkey could do it!

Why so surprised? They've had monkeys piloting A-10 Warthogs since the last Gulf War.

Another NRA Member for Bush/Cheney!

"Hi. KingDinosaur. It's me, Ted. Ted V. Mikels. Yeah, how's it goin'? I'm emailing you because I need your help again. Yep, another film. You really helped out with "Mark of the Astro Zombies" especially on the costume stuff involving the black sweat shirts and cardboard machetes. This time - well, I know it's a bit of a departure for me, but I've decided to do a remake of "The Wizard of Oz" - set in present-day Iraq. Kinda cool, hunh? I'm sending along a sort of preliminary "sketch" I put together in Photoshop and I need some costume advice.

Do you have any idea what we could use for WINGS for these monkeys?

All best, Ted.
P.S. - I'm sure I've got a role for you in this one - do you have any experience wearing silver pancake?"

Will work for bananas.

The "guerilla fighters" turned out to be less than advertised.

Liberate no evil.

Here we have proof that locking a thousand monkeys in Iraq with a thousand tiny assault weapons and exploring thousands of "sure-fire" munitions sites STILL can't produce a single WMD. ...Let alone thousands.

Great, the French finally decided to send some troops.

Curious George W. Goes to War

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