"Will Cap for Food #155"
Note: Image and caption were found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

If you think this is bad, you should see how they chamois her...

They named her Zinfandel. Because she is white, brash, and can be easily had by the bucketful.

It's The Adventures of Bucket Girl: The Early Years. Even as a young child of four, Bucket Girl honed her skills & talents for her fight agaisnt evil.

Mmirg's Fairy Selat:
Jack and Water went up the hill to fetch a pail of Jill...

"There was a young girl from Nantucket, who, uh... swam with the fish in her bucket..."
"Let me tell it, Fred."

Despite disagreements among the residents of Sunny Grove Trailer Park about who is the real father of Ashley Mae, her mother still maintains that she was born of car-wash-foam.

o/` Our baby fell out of the window
you'd think that her head would be split
but good luck was with us that morning
she fell in a barrel of shhhh-

shhhh-aving cream!
Be nice and clean!
Shave every day
and you'll always look keen! o/`

"Chelsie, you're looking a Little Pale today. Are you ok?"

A young Helena learned when she was much older to watch what you wish for, it can haunt you later in life.

I believe "bucket of sunshine" is being taken way too literally here.

It's a remake of the old Bob Hope classic, but with a slight twist. Coming this summer, "Granddaughter of Pail Face."

Looks like the baby needs a bigger room

Yep... poor Billy Sue was born with no arms for armin' or legs for leggin'... it used to be that each mornin' we'd just lay her out on the porch for sunnin'... but that dag-burn hound-dog of ours kept draggin' her out to the field by her pig-tails... Pa done figured someday we might never see her again... "Cementin' her in that there bucket oughta do the trick...I'd like to see that mutt try an' bury her like his ol' bones now!" he said. She don't seem to mind it none... Pa still pulls her out of the trailer onto the porch every mornin'... she just sits there an' laughs, watchin' the skeeters and june-bugs fly on by... shoot... life really is good!

No! More cleansing! Clean deeper! We must get the stench of hearing that "Pimp Juice" song off her!

In the future, instant "just-add-water" families will replace natural childbirth.

Julie Tyner, 3, of Battle Creek, Michigan -- now with extra added bleach!

We present Jan-in-the-Pan's daughter, Gail-in-the-Pail. It was a strange pregnancy, but an easy delivery.

"Each day after torso-girl gets her bath, the neighborhood boys use her for first-base."

"The Huey Meaux/Roman Polanski Foundation is having its annual carwash!"

o/' ...and she'll have fun, fun, fun 'till her daddy takes the bucket away. o/'

The hell with Roger Miller, this is all two hours of pushin' broom will get ya these days.

Where Cabbage Patch Kids are grown.

Jack and Jill had a hell of a lot more to answer for than just a broken crown once the pail was recovered.

Instant toddler! Just add water!

"Boxing Helena, the Prequel"

"PULL!" (Jackass: The Formative Years)

"I wish for a naked girl in a hot tub and this is what I get? Genie, d'ya know where I'm going to shove your lamp in a minute?"

All right, Colonel Saunders has officially gone too far.

KFC goes WAY off the mark with their new line of "Kid Meals"...

Welcome to Paula Poundstone’s Never Again Ranch.

...but then Julian Sands woke up, and realized it was all just a horrible, horrible dream. He had not, in fact, starred in "Boxing Helena II: Electric Boogaloo".

Steve was a procrastinator. He waited until his daughter was a toddler before throwing her out with the bath water.

Wait, did I find this in Woody Allen's or R. Kelly's desk drawer?

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