"Will Cap for Food #153"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

Wearing the latest in full-body condoms, Bob is a walking ad for birth control...

And you thought that there wasn't a live model for the Ken doll? Ha! Pay up.

For reasons too obvious to mention, the Fruit of the Loom company never included a "pear" in their marketing campaigns.

In the government's latest move to legislate deceny in the American populace, Standardized Body Prophylactics will be fitted to every citizen...

"Got anything ya want fertilized?"

Sanitized for your protection. Hermetically sealed to preserve freshness. Caution: May cause uncontrollable vomiting. Not to be used by children under 14 years of age.

Under pressure from his agent, Nondescript Man would eventually rebrand himself as the Human Sperm.

DWM, 48, seeks S/D/W woman between 42 and 54 for casual dating and possible LTR. To be honest, I just completed a very long, drawn out, nasty divorce with my ex wife. I’m still kind of shell shocked from the whole ordeal. I need to take things slowly since I haven’t dated in 23 years. Things have been so bad that I can only handle watching AMC, TVLand and the weather channel (but I turn it off if they start showing any major storms). I have simplified my life and removed all stress to try and help my recovery. As you can see I’ve surrounded myself in an all beige environment to avoid all distractions. If you’re looking for a simple man with simple tastes who’ll do his best to treat you like a lady and are not a money grubbing, back stabbing, cheating bitch or a lawyer please contact me. Big boobs would be a bonus.

Despite the obvious threat that too-tight jeans posed to decent society in the '70s, Captain Cameltoe and his sidekick, Melvin the Boy Wedgie, never enjoyed the popularity with the public of, say, a Batman or a Superman.

Dr. Phibes:
"The new body condom. Maximum protection in an uncertain world!" (Also useable for control of incontinence).

How did Gen manage to send a mirror through the e-mail?

Sidney P. Clarkson, of Zanesville, Ohio. Putting the 'tard' in unitard since 1986.

Time has NOT been good to "Ken." Maybe that's why Barbie dumped him?

Whether you're a fan or not, just like the old saying goes, it's best not to see how laws, sausages and superheroes are made.

Um... I told ya, you wouldn't like me when I get mad.

"Pillsbury Dough Boy gets glasses. Film at eleven."

I didn't know that they mummified Captain Kangaroo.

The Body Condom was approved for use today by the FDA; however, sales have been modest at best with the introduction of the product's new Poster Boy.

New from Subway soon: The Guacamole Wrap (not available in low-carb).

The early cyborg prototypes lacked vital anatomical details....

"Yeah, It cuts down on the wind resistance when I jog. What? What's so funny?"

"Just landed the lucrative job of motion-capturing for Homer in the new 'Simpsons 3-D' video game."

Uh, wrong kind of frogsuit Henry.

Did you ever wonder what Auguste Rodin's "The Thinker" would look like out of character?

James got all dressed up for his Colossal Colon Tour. He figured in this outfit, he could just slide right through..

For today's experiment, we've grafted the head of Milton from "Office Space" onto the body of a mutated colossal albino frog. Enjoy!

Ironically enough, Stan here is the "After" picture. ...Trust me, you don't want to see the "Before".

One compelling reason why engineers ought to be exempt from Casual Fridays.

Mattel introduces the prototype for Barbie's new male pal, Blain

Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I've got a perfect puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are wise you will listen to me

what do you do when your dad isn't phat...
prancing around like he's chips and all that...
run in shame at the sight of his toe...
"I'm adopted" is all your friends have to know...

the pool man...
the pool man...
the pool man...
the pool man has to be my dad....

Oompa Loompa doompadee dah
If you wear clothes then you will go far
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa doompadee do

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