"Will Cap for Food #150"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

o/Surfin' Al-a-bammmm...o/
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She lost the Big Wheel about six months after the sex change, but she's still proud. And she keeps on burnin'! And she's rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

With a total disregard for the Professor's warnings, the Skipper & Gilligan made for the open sea on the Howell's veranda.

"Shut the Hell up, and get on. It's a long-ass way to Venice."

"Good evening and welcome to the River Styx. My name is Charon, and I'll be your boatman tonight. You are requested to line my palm with silver coins in order to make your way safely across to Hades. Oh, and no smoking, please."

I've heard of flatboats before, but this is ridiculous.

o/`'...and did he ever return? No he never returned and his fate is still unlearned, (Just like Paul Revere) he will ride forever on the Jade Dragon River, he's the man who never returned!'`\o

Fresh from his success in starting a new television channel, Al Gore launches his new cruise line for environmentally conscious couples.

It's Kevin Smith's next movie project. Join him as he redoes Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi. Funny, I don't remember Huckleberry Finn being an Asian, do you?

Better not sneeze again or I'll be the raft.

Gentle Rupert of Survivor gets into Barry Bonds secret vitamin stash and goes ballistic: "Yeah, I wanna see you try and vote me off the island! Come here, I'll kick ALL yer asses!"

Old Chinese Proverb says: "When you're too big to fit in the boatman's deck chairs, you must help the boatman row."

After Tom Sawyer finished serving 15 years for armed robbery, he retired to the Far East to relax and find himself again.

*STILL* waiting to catch number 660... Any day now...

"See this? Ha! And you told me I was up this creek withOUT a paddle!"

Frank Black re-enacts the dramatic "entering Kurtz' Cambodian village" scene from Apocalypse Now...

Okay, I push stupid American overboard and I keep his bike. He not know how to row, maybe he not know how to swim either!

Motis waited in vain in McCovey Cove for Barry Bonds's 660th home run. He came close to retreiving the immortal ball and actually would've garnered the prize but for a fat man in a Day-Glo Hawaiian shirt who flew into the Cove from the right field wall.

"Death by ass-styx-ation"

"Hurry, I've got to be on the Lord of the Rings set in an hour!!!"

"The People's Republic of China Community Theater presents 'Huckleberry Finn,' or "The Flight of the Capitalist Dog From the Encroachment of the Glorious Worker's Revolution.'"

"I heard one of these fish needed a bike, so..."

Is this raft a piece of junk or what?

This is, quite possibly, the worst adaptation of "Huck Finn" I've ever seen.

I'm not quite sure exactly what this street theatre presentation of Bush Administration tax policy is supposed to indicate, but I just KNOW it's not good...!

Mark Twain's little known sequel, 'Tom Saywer 2: Adventures on the Yangtze River.' Pulled from the shelves after only two weeks due to violent protests by the Asian community about Twain's repeated use of the word "Chinamen."

Tonight on FOX’s Extreme Scavenger Hunts, in this week's mission the hunters must scavenge a yellow bicycle, a bamboo loveseat and a 230-pound or greater Chinese linebacker.

"Captain, should I send out an SOS? We just struck an icecube."

"Yeah, I'm gonna rebuild the house right in the same spot. Why?"

"Interstate traffic is running smoothly this morning on the I-10. No accidents and no slow downs... now on to weather... Bill?"

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