"Will Cap for Food #148"

It was strange enough that the love child of Gary Coleman and Hervé Villechaize auditioned for American Idol. But even stranger was the giddy delight it brought to Simon Cowell, watching in the background.

Spike Lee looks better without the glasses. Albeit less dignified.

The worst fears of the scientists were realized when out of the pod emerged a small clone of Slim Wittman.
O~ Oh Rose, my Rooosss- ah-Mareeeiiiaaa!!~O

Scenes from FOX's newest reality show "Who Wants To Date The Littlest Gay Cowboy"

"¡Ahora, señores y señoras! A presentan, un hombre muy pequeño de los Estados Unidos... El Señor Guillermoooo BARRRTYYYYYYY!!"

Much to his dismay, Antonio Bendejo's mini-me could only lance the bull in the testicles. This did little for the sport and really pissed off the bull.

Pablo was this year's proud winner of the "What's In Your Stool" contest. He takes home the grand prize of one full year of free Proctology Exams. Congrats, Pablo, and good luck having that thing bronzed.

o/` "We represent the Toreador Guild, the Toreador Guild, the Toreador Guild..." o/`

"George Foreman's childhood was a nightmare during which he was forced to perform as Pecos Pete the Pygmy Cowpoke at rodeo circuits in Texas and Oklahoma."

No wonder Michael Jackson covers his kids with blankets.

The sad thing is, he really wanted to be a dentist.

Gary Coleman in "15 Seconds."

Jesse Jackson Junior Jr. tosses his cap into the ring for the Presidential nomination!

Gary Coleman will do anything to get back in the public eye, won't he?

Few people know that, as a child, Jesse Jackson had a thriving career as a mariachi singer.

Midget Matador, this fall on the WB.

Wow, Gary Coleman's career has really shrunk to a new low.... It's a shame, really. I'll bet he rides tall in the saddle, though!

Next up on Fantasy Island: Tattoo gets his own special place reserved in Hell... Midget Rodeo Clown. "Boss!!! De Bull, De Bull!!!!"

"Tim Burton reimagines 'The Terror of Tiny Town.'"

o/~ "Like a tiny stoned cowboy..." o/~

Okay, so it wasn't the best production of "Oklahoma" I'd ever seen. The fight scene between Curly and Jud was laughable, the shivaree scene ended with Laurie just picking Curly up in her arms and walking offstage, and he damn near got trampled during "The Farmer and the Cowman Should be Friends," but one thing on which all could agree... that little PUMAT between Michael Jackson, Antonio Banderas and Billy Barty could SING!

"G'night, Lilliput! We love youuuuuuu!"

Pablo didn’t have the best voice or stage presence but he still had that special something that the ladies loved.

After the Jackson trial, Emmanuel Lewis resurfaces in the Witness Protection program in a dinner theater production of BOLERO.

The scene: California.
The time: A few months ago.
The situation: Gubernatorial candidate Gary Coleman makes a last-ditch attempt to win over the hearts and minds of the electorate with an all-Spanish rendition of that time-honored classic, "Watchu Talkin' 'Bout, Willis? (In Three-Part Harmonay)". But just as our diminutive hero reaches the heart-wrenching crescendo, the unstoppable juggernaut that is the candidacy of Arnold "Of COURSE I fondled those women, I'm ARNOLD, dammit!" Schwarzenneger sweeps over him and deposits him in the dust bin of political history.

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