"Will Cap for Food #145"

From the creators of South Park comes...
Underwear Gnomes: The Motion Picture! Starring Trey Parker, Matt Stone, and the Shriners Local #785!

"Frodo, I'm all for reenactments, but you are aware that we didn't have this many Hobbits with us the first time around, aren't you?"

Welcome to the yak herders chapter of the Harry Potter fan club.

In an alternate reality, director Ted V. Mikels picks up the rights to adapt "Harry Potter" books for the silverscreen.
This scene features students from Hogswarts about to take the field for a magical rugby game in the movie "Harry Potter and the Blood Demons in Astro-Fur Vests".

The Office of Homeland Security sends in a squad of their Stormtroopers to quell a fight at the Elks hall in Datyon, Ohio. A known Al Quaeda stronghold, that & they make very bad pancakes for their Pancake Day.

The team from United Tasmania and New Guinea marches into the arena for the next World Cup Hockey Tournament. In a stunning upset, they were able to lose to the Russian team by only 75 points.

The new Iraqi security force is shaping up nicely.

"We are Witches In Sheep's Clothing: WISC. This is not an occult science. We don't wear pointy hats or ride on broomsticks-- well we don't ride on broomsticks..."

"We've come to fix your file server."

The Sons of Sonny Bono Memorial Society and Precision Drill Team lead all the children of the village in the annual Smacking Head First Into a Tree Purification Ritual, much to the bitter disappointment of a number of parents whose objections were overruled by the town council.

We're getting free beer when we get there, right? If not, death shall follow.

The Polish Clydesdale Racing Team's US Tour ended in tragedy today when they accidentally entered an off-ramp to I-95.

Though many would vie for the title, only one would be chosen as the Queen of the May.

And the whole town turned out to see the "Badger, Badger, Badger, Mushroom, Snake" Contingent pass through town for their annual parade.

It was a time of apathy in America, and only the 'tards of Lanterman State Hospital cared enough to fight back. This summer, don your pointy cap and save a nation from another four years of BushCo. Columbia Pictures presents: DUNCE DUNCE REVOLUTION! ...Get your revolution on.

I’m guessing these are the guys who lost on the Panthers.

Note to self: never make up Masonic rituals when drunk.

In a remote village in Western Britain, competition is fierce among the men at Spring Equinox for the title of Human Maypole!

"February 2004: The First Gay-Dunce Parade is conducted in San Francisco today."

And here they come now, entering the arena... Your Presidential Candidates.

Bring the Vaseline...

The annual solidarity march through Hollywood of the Thatch Shirted, White Skirted, Patio Umbrella Heads protesting their non-representation in American Cinema.

"You know, when I first joined Special Forces, I thought 'going commando' meant something entirely different." "Yeah?" "Yeah. And I'm chafing like nobody's business over here." "Yeah?" "Yeah."

Getting low on reserve forces, W sends in chapter 349 of the Loyal Order of the Mongoose.

"Record cold winter. Must kill more goats. Gotta have sleeves!"

"Outraged at the abductions of so many of their number, lawn gnomes implement the buddy system."

...each of whom was appalled to learn that someone ELSE had happened to wear precisely the same native Laplandish attire to the cotillion.

o/ We represent the Mop and Shine guild, the Mop and Shine guild, the Mop and Shine guild. We represent the Mop and Shine guild and wish to welcome you Proctor and Gamble-land. o/

o/` We've searched high and low for Miss Waterbuffalo.... o/`

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