"Will Cap for Food #135"

Tonight, on Parenting Skills of the Stars, we bring you, "Bathing Your Child", with your hosts, Michael Jackson and Roman Polanski. Musical guest, Pete Townshend!

You just had to open all of the washers while they were on, didn't you, Casy?
But, I lost my Barbi doll, and I didn't know which one it was in, 'cause all the washers look alike and I didn't want Barbi to get trapped in the lint filter. So, I opened one and she wasn't there, and the one next to it, and she wasn't there. And then by the time I opened the last washer, I remembered that I left Barbi in the car?. . . .

Cameron Diaz catches a collective "money shot".

The Church of Our Lady of the Maytag always had really interesting Baptismal ceremonies.

...and Michael Jackson welcomes another child to the Neverland Ranch.

Pam Anderson shares her "bounty" with the starving children of Bangladesh.

Got Milk?

The promo party for Val Kilmer's new movie "Wonderland" raised a few eyebrows amongst the entertainment press...

I have this aunt who, when she's not telling us about her favorite TV show, "Keeping Up Appearances", for the umpteenth time (something which never fails to put herself in stitches), is always regaling us with stories of her youth in Florida in the late Fifties/early Sixties. A more innocent and trusting time, when kids ran around unsupervised, and the government would never ever allow anything that could remotely be considered harmful. Well for kids, a highlight of late summer was the DDT truck that would drive around, leaving a fog of perfectly safe, mosquito-killing chemicals in its wake. According to my aunt, she and all her friends looked forward to the DDT truck the way other kids waited expectantly for the ice cream man. As the truck passed, kids would follow, running along behind it, laughing, breathing in the (again, perfectly safe) DDT, and generally having a great time. And now let's pretend: I invite you to replace 'DDT' in the preceding account with 'asbestos', et voila, you have this week's photo.

"Mr. Jeremy, please! Control yourself! We haven't even finished running the opening credits yet!"

This is how ghosts are REALLY made... or what happens when you lick too many of the middles of Oreo Cookies!

Below the image, John Hurt is writhing on a table with a big hole in his abdomen.

"Meanwhile, at YingYang's House of Poontang..."

When in California visit the Ron Jeremy Tribute Fountain.

Christmas comes but once a year, but man, does it make up for those other 364 days when it does.

Huey Meaux is holding another carwash "for the kids"!

Looks like some kid found an old bottle of NeHi lying around!

Pixie porn extreme money shot.

And now back to "When Day Spas Attack"!

Genetically-superannuated semen 1) makes instant children, no assembly required, 2) saves women the trauma of childbirth, but 3), man, does it hurt squirting out of the urethra!

Do not tarry.
Instead, be wary.
For when Mary the Dairy Faery
Gets contrary,
It's very scary.

The true reason why hillbilly Mormons shouldn't intermarry: the young ones' breasts tend to explode during first lactation.

Just a reminder, children are not dishwasher-safe.

The Ben and Jerry's plant is accidentally torpedoed during a live ammo war exercise by local National Guardsmen, much to the delight of thousands of non-crunchy, Phish-hating Vermonters.

The fake snow in Miami just doesn’t feel like winter to me.

Realising he left his Precious in his other loincloth, Gollum searches for The One Ring while the washing machine is still going.

A young Karen Finley at her very first performance, the little-known work "20,000 Alka-Seltzers in the Fountain of Trevi."

Another victim of the senseless Cola Wars.

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