"Will Cap for Food #13"

Carl, determined to win back the favor of Bushwood, gives the Goph-kill-a-matic 2000 a try.

The NYPD borrows the chalk-outline machine from Yankee Stadium to keep up with all the outlines they have to do after "routine traffic stops" gone awry.

The World's Largest Sex Toy was ultimately a failure. It wasn't just that the seat was too damned uncomfortable... the designers forgot to make it AC adaptable, and no one could afford the batteries.

I think it's the first steamroller made completely made from household objects. For example, Part #10 is a piece of Wagon Wheel pasta. Part #4 is the tire from your average wheelchair. Don't worry, great grandma won't be using that anymore! And part #8 are two rifles from the Civil War era. Oh, those are EASY to get!

I don't know what it is either, but I got it for a song on eBay!

Now from RonCo, the "GassMaster," with such features as: 1: root beer & Ice Cream tap 3: gas gage 5: a Chewing gum storage area 6: the first wheel man ever invented! Buy one today, it's a GASS!

Suggested positions for a "Lick me" sticker.

Although the directions read like Japanese stereo instructions, Dr.Smith's "Rodent Retriever" was very effective.

The new Acme Penis Enlarger. Some assembly required...

The newly designed Acme Howitzer was officially pulled off the market today when it was discovered that one user, a Mr. Wile E. Coyote, complained that the weapon was pointed directly at the user and would thus miss the target entirely.

Somehow, the Polish Penis Pump was a little more difficult than necessary...

OK, Grandma. I've modified your wheelchair to paint lines on the freeway. No get out there and work ya freeloader!

Shit son, paint a rebel flag on the side, slap a few Bud stickers on her and we'll race it!

So, where's the little bell that goes ding?

Here we see the final trap designed by an aging Wile E. Coyote. Unfortunately, senility crept in and the old Roadrunner nemesis put the aluminium walker handles at the wrong end of the cannon.

An example of Amish Porn.

"This is the story of the wheel phlange (a), the sprocket cap (b), and the evil patent infringement..." "But I want a *good* story...!"

"This week on the History Channel, we'll take an in depth look at the earliest recorded Swedish Penis Enlarger."

Infernal contraption or not, the Poonmobile's bitchin' stereo system ensured that the chicks would be driven wild.

"You got sphincter-cannon in my wheelbarrow!" "No, you got wheelbarrow in my sphincter-cannon!" "Hey, it's two GREAT marital aids in one!"

Isn't that Dangerfield's golf bag from Caddyshack?

Despite pie charts, graphs, a manual in three languages and easy to follow assembly instructions, the Ross Perot Political Machine just never was a big seller, and can now be found stockpiled in great numbers in the warehouses of Wal-Marts around the country.

Not all of Edison's invention's were winners, look for example at this handy, portable, basketball pump and mosquito sprayer.

Some people try to get a little too artsy with their connect the dots.

Early in the Twentieth Century, door-to-door penis enlargement enjoyed a brief period of popularity. The development of the Vac-U-Jack, however, spelled a quick end to the trade.

This is more than I ever wanted to know about Ron Popeil's wet dreams.

Primitive wheelchair racers

"With the advent of the new baseball season, here's an inventive way to lay down accurate chalk lines while ensuring that those undisciplined and rowdy, canasta-loving ballplayers don't participate in illegal pepper games while you're just trying to do your job." (con't)

"Pumping lever (1) increases pressure in tank (2) which causes needle in gauge (3) to rise, knocking off invisible bird (not depicted)onto left wheel (4). Wheel flattens from puncture by beak of invisible bird (not depicted) and causes imbalance in chalk reservoir (6), feeding application wheel (7) with steady stream of chalk. Handle (8) depicted for clarity. Pushing lever (9) in causes loud scraping noise at front diaphragm (10), which, along with non-oiled wheel bearing (11) and ruptured pressure plate (12), causes irritating noise which discourages illegal pepper games while chalking. Excess chalk is picked up by chalk scraper (con't)

(13) and fed to excess chalk reservoir (14). Chalk is picked up by invisible bird (15, partially obscured) and redeposited onto wheel rim (16). Squeaky diaphragm (17), unlubricated wheel bearings (18, 19,20), non-adjustable squealing pressure tank mount (21), and knee-breaking protrusion on pressure tank (22) all serve to further discourage those pesky and illegal pepper games and give Mets fans something to cheer for. Or you could just stay home and watch the game on the radio so you won't have to explain to your wife why the players wear numbers."

Yet another stupid gadget that I had to build for Chemistry class.

Though many are familiar with the work of her great-uncle Rube, the efforts of little Fanny Goldberg went woefully unsung until a recent retrospective at the Metropolitan.

After 42 years of trying to catch the Roadrunner, Wile E. Coyote's latest invention was lacking in both design and execution. He's not even trying anymore.

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