"Will Cap for Food #14"

Mr. Generik, your one o'clock is here...

New IRS audit methods are a success.

After finding Grandad's old Police Gazettes, Ms. Peitsche grade seven social studies class was never the same.

Welcome to the Jersey Juvenile Correction Facility,I'll be your sponsor Gretta.

OK, Mary. To get your Whip Master's License, you must first light the lady's cigarette with just the tip of your whip, then take off the rest of her clothing with just the whip. Use of a lighter or your hands will get you disqualified! Any questions? No? Great! You'll be a dominatrix in no time!

" ...Ok Xig... you can let go of my Snoopy Doll... Now get over here and get what's comin' to ya..."

??? (no handle):
Yessiree. The Hoover Canister Vacuum. Remember, *one* of us sucks!

Historians now know that the Salem Witch Trials weren't really about witchcraft; instead, they were expressions of Puritan jealousy at the sexual fulfillment routinely experienced by such rebellious citizens as Goody Whipmistress (pictured here).

If Madonna were a Cigarette Girl in the 1950's... she'd be NOTHING like THIS!

Yessiree. The Hoover Canister Vacuum. Remember, *one* of us sucks!


Cap? Why would I want to cap her? I'd rather... Oh wait, was that out loud?

Last Halloween, Andrew "Dice" Clay decided to go dressed as Betty Page. He liked it so much that he is now known as Andrea "Douche" Clay...

Shouldn't she be having a cigarette afterwards?

J. Edgar Hoover was feelin' mighty frisky that day.

When Superman asked Wonder Woman to go home and whip up something special, I don't think this is quite what he had in mind.

Just another Tuesday morning in Sister Mary Pius Dominatricus's first grade class.

During the war I was stationed on a convoy ship. There's a picture of my ship. We traveled back and forth from New York and Liverpool, England bring supplies for the war effort. Here's a picture of my shipmates and I in Liverpool. That's where I met your mother. WOOPS! I thought I took mom's picture out of the album.

"Um, hi... My name is BuckFifty... Would you lickIMEANLIKE to get a drink?"

"Yeah sister, you might be making good cigarette money off those vacuum ads now, but one day you'll be embarrassed to look back on yourself wearing animal prints... what kind of carpet is that thing for, anyway?" "Mine."

"Good evening, hon-*Billy*?! Here's some more quarters, get back to the video arcade, NOW!"

Introducing the new HAG-VAC!!!

The chicken meat of Betty's inner thigh has always been quite tasty, but it's nothing compared to her skill in finding new uses for sausage casings.

Missing Pet Report #1633: Betty Page's Edward G. Robinson impersonation runs off her pomeranian, yet again. Fortunately, she's restrained her beaver beneath an ottoman, so we won't have to deal with that.

"With friends like that, maybe I do need enemas!"

I think we should just let Ying Yang and this image be alone for awhile.

"Hi, I'm Mistress Monique, and I'll be your Dominatrix tonight. Our specials are feather boa and duct tape frisee, with a port wine reduction, light paddling in a cream sauce, and overt humiliation and genitorture flambe. Would you like the striking or non-striking section, you insignificant little worm?"

Though the original "I'd walk a mile for a Camille" ad campaign was a resounding success - especially with the twelve-to-twenty-year-old-male demographic - moral concerns voiced by the Women's Suffrage Committee ultimately convinced the folks at RJ Reynolds Tobacco to change the cigarette's name and go with a more subtly sexual spokesperson, a dromedary with a rather phallic face.

Miss Fishbein's first grade class was remarkably well-behaved, all things considered...

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