"Will Cap for Food #128"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

"Mom! Dad! The FDA has finally approved my homemade bread and cookies for human consumption!"

"No, Ying... You can't have a taste of my muffin."

Dale Evans narrowly missed a career in baking.

Yet another member of the Betty Crocker EZ-Bake Coven...

Miss Kathy Jo Perlmen of Hatchetface, Ks. Shows off her baking skills. Here Kathy shows a wonderful meal she made from sawdust, petroleum jelly, pillbugs, & horse intestines.

You call THAT a dowry?

A young Julia Childs at her first 4-H show proudly displays a lovely angel food cake and a selection of corn and bunion removers.

Judging by the tags, it appears the judges have officially pronounced both loaves dead.

Well, little Peggy Sue's results are in, and BOY do they make their point! Clearly, Metamucil (tm) brand fiber laxative produces a MUCH bigger, firmer, and generally more impressive cowpie (shown on the left) than the nearest contender from the other leading brands (shown on the right).

"We don’t have any tarts. Will I do?"

Tammy Lynn's meadow muffins were perennial prize-winners, but it was the prairie oyster bundt cake that really turned the judges' heads at the County Fair this year. (Or was it their stomachs?)

"At long-last, Clarabelle the Clown is revealed and discovered to be MRS. Howdy Doody."

A young kd lang discovers she's not really cut out for the feminine arts.

I'll admit that the girl-scouts make good cookies, but nothing's better than their poundcake.

Annabelle Frankenheimer, pictured here with the before and after representations of her efforts, was pleased to be awarded first prize in the Bingeing and Purging Invitational portion of the annual Anorexics and Bulimics Hoedown in Winnemucca, Nevada.

"It's Shake & Bake Monster Mash - and I helped!"

"Let them eat ca...hey! They already did!"

"Dinner's ready! Who wants to carve the Thanksgiving Jiffy Pop?!"

"Well, if not the cake or cookies, could I interest you in a blowjob Mr. President?"

Just before Lacey could utter the words "This came out of ME!", a stray biscuit flew across the room and knocked her unconscious, thereby saving the crowd from having to suffer through a joke that's gotten nearly as much play as "Pull my finger" or "Twenty bucks, same as in town."

Gee, I'm glad Pop got a job! Now we can afford to get the bread and butter out of hock!

"Susie was discouraged that her 'Food: Before and After' exhibit didn't win a prize at the fair. After all, she'd put a lot of herself into it."

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