"Will Cap for Food #126"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

"Whoa! Slow down there, Princess! Heh-heh."

Larry loved going to school on the short bus.

.oO This is the blind date from Hell... Try to keep smiling.... C'mon, Bernice, make the simpleton think you're having a good time. First, he says his car is in the shop, so I'll have to drive. Then he takes me to a Mexican restaurant that should be closed by the Health Department. The only thing that could make it worse is if he wants to go to a...
"Hey, Bernice! There's a really nice Karaoke bar up here! Let's stop!"

"The Persecution and Assassination of Dwight Eisenhower as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum Berkeley Under the Direction of Ken Kesey."

Yeaah, you ought to see her do the same thing in bedroom too.

And people thought the 50's were a quiet, dignified decade...

Edna realized early that the key to a great relationship was regular prostate stimulation.

Y'know when your mom gives you that box of old photos to go thru because she's going to throw them away and she thinks you might want some of them? And you go thru the box? And you find those photos of your parents at that fetish party when they were your age?
Don't you hate that?

.oO "I'm going to beat him senseless with this rubber hose in about two seconds if he doesn't stop singing 'In My Merry Oldsmobile'."

"BBC archive photo of an early version of 'Whose Line is it Anyway?' which had to be canceled due to a wartime prop shortage."

Mr. and Mrs. Smith had been to some therapy for their sex life and were told that an active fantasy would help stimulate their sex life a bit. I don't think they understood quite what "active fantasy" meant, though...

Gerald stopped laughing when he realized what Elaine had in mind when she'd said "Bend over, I'll drive."

The original passenger-side air bag.

It was a typical evening at home. Fred made sacastic remarks, and Ethel sjamboked him across the groin.

Whose Line Is It Anyway, Circa 1959!

Akron Community Playhouse presents: When Harry Met Sally!

"The most boring amusement park attraction since 'Cubicle Universe'."

"I wish she still grabbed my hose like that."

Star Trek: Your Parents' Generation.
"Whoa, was that an Armenian? Turn left!"

"Careful, fellas, she'll break more than your heart."

Yesireebob, for sheer 1950s-style excitement, nothing beats driving around in a souped-up hot rod with a strung-out hooker looking for smack!

"This section of the Driver’s education film we’ll teach Janet the proper way of handling unwanted sexual advances while behind the wheel. Actually, this is my favorite part of the film. Janet’s too."

"Okay Sally, now, the can of corn represents the gas pedal. The can of peas is the brake. Now lets start driving... doing very well... now, your younger brother runs out into the middle of the road, what do you do? No!!! Hit the peas, not the corn, the peas not the corn!!!!!" Kathunk, kathunk. "Actually, that was pretty fun, hit reverse and let's do it again!"

Children, the imagination is a wonderful thing! If you try real hard, you can almost believe that these people are in a car... and that California's next governor will be qualified to run the state.

Jack and Jill drove up the hill to fetch a pail of FULL-BLOWN SCREAMING WILD-EYED PSYCHOSIS!! *ahem*

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