"Will Cap for Food #120"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

<Announcers>"Coming into the home stretch, Harvey Keitel still holds the lead on the far right, followed by Robert Downey, Jr. in second place, with John Malkovich bringing up the rear. What an exciting 2003 World Speed Swiffering Championship this has been! He might be in third place, but mmmman! Malkovich is cleaning the HELL outta this floor, wouldn't you agree, Al?"
"Annnd HOW, John! And how lucky are our participants to have Catherine Zeta-Jones serenading them throughout this grueling competition?"
"Oh, you said it, Al. Luc-ky-in-DEED."

Grace Slick was concerned, but confident. If anyone could talk the BeeGees down from this bad of an acid trip, she could.

Honey, this is not what you think, really???!?!

Hunter S. Thompson is seen performing in his new ballet "Get Back, You Demon Swine!"

That's funny. I've never seen a mime troupe perform "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" before....

Trust the Fox Network to turn something as innocent and simple as bowling into some sort of depraved reality show.

David Lynch's Father's Day ads for Sears were poorly received.

"The Matrix" as performed at the Old Navy Theatre, starring Andie MacDowell as Neo and Morgan Fairchild as Seraph.

Jim Henson's "Andy Warhol Babies On Ice."

*woman in back* oO(Hmm... do I really want to be their faghag?)

.elyts otni kcab gnimoc si ekil uoy mug tahT

"They have Jackass in Europe, but it's called 'Le Jackass Royale.' With cheese."

"Dis eez de part of Schprockets vhere ve mop de floor."

For once in his life, Jerry got sick of people kissing his ass, so he fled the scene... but not without rearview evidence of it first.

'Titus' rehearsal.

They're running because they discovered they were wearing the same shoes to Saturday's Party!

If Robert Mapplethorpe directed DIE HARD.

What lead from yonder feet breaks? It is the pain, and Juliet is the aspirin...

The Velvet Underground showed a lot of promise, but Warhol wanted them to change up their act *just* a tad!

"When Salvador Dali is put in charge of organizing the orgy."

"And Hunter S. Thompson moves to first place in the International Wife-Swapping Competition!"

It's my interpretive dance version of the recent invasion of Iraq to find apparently non-existent WMDs. See, the lady represents Liberty, Fair Governance that doesn't favor the rich, and a Healthy Economy. The weird guys with the dark glasses, odd footwear, and flamboyant undies represent the war. Why do they represent the war, you ask? Well, obviously they're putting forth a lot of effort, but it's certainly not clear what they're supposed to be accomplishing. And most importantly (of course): They sure do distract our gaze from considerations of Liberty, Fair Governance, and a Healthy Economy, don't they?

The ad just said "French exchange students need place to stay, pay well"...I don't want to watch their performance art pieces, too...

The AMA announced that it would try to update its image by urging doctors to write prescriptions on new "celebrity photo pads". Here we see a prescription for viagra written on a sheet from a "Jack Palance" prescription pad.

And this is the kind of "art" the Labour government supports with our taxes? That's it. I'm heading to Parliament with my scythe.

At a casting office, sometime in the sixties: "The one on the right is just way too old. The one behind him isn't even worth looking at. The one on the far right thinks the character is a woman. But the one in the middle, with his back turned to us... He just might be the one. He seems to grasp the character, and is even wearing similar type shoes. What's his name?"
"Burt Ward, sir. Should I sign him up?"
"You bet his swee... I mean *your* sweet ass! Heh-heh-heh..."

In the post-modern film version of the classic opera "La Boheme," director David Lynch inexplicably chose to spend most of the movie focusing on a newly-written scene that he liked to call "The Swimsuit Competition."

The uniquely French sport of Shuffling is a close second to its official national sport of Rudeness.

Thank goodness for the invention of the Zamboni.

Dante's little known 8th level of hell: whatever Yoko wants.

Ronnie Milsap recalls the wonderment of dorm life at the Perkins School for the Blind.

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