"Will Cap for Food #118"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

<Muffled> "This is Geraldo Rivera, FOX News. Back to you in the studio."

Unlike most bosses. Charles Moore, CEO of Unlimited International Federated Technical Widget Foundation Company Corporated, INC, LTD, LLC, is not afraid to show off his management style. Here we see Chuck (As he is called by the board) dealing with the latest accounting / tax / stock issues.

Post Oat-Nasties! The Power Packed Breakfast Cereal with Zip, Zing & Zowie! Presents, The Adventures of Ostrichman!

Not only was it a good price for a burial, but Skip's friends have a place to park their bicycles.

.oO Damnit! I know those weapons of mass destruction are here someplace! Oo.

In a desperate attempt to raise even more money for charity, Generik participates in an ill-advised scheme to get his head shaved by the Mole People.

Ostrich meat is undeniably healthy and delicious as all get-out, so long as you don't mind one or two side-effects.

The destruction of the Earth forced humankind to relocate to a new, roomier home, and we have lived in peace on Ernest Borgnine's head ever since that day.

It's a Dirty Vegas video gone horribly wrong.

A Republican voter?

Many people say that fishing is the *least* masculine of all outdoor sports. But it takes a REAL man to dig for nightcrawlers using just his teeth.

*muffled* Hey, I found Hoffa!

"What do you mean, 'just stay here until the Big One hits, and then make an observation'? This wasn't part of my job description back in USGS school!"

Quick, somebody perform the Hiney-Lick Maneuver on this poor soul!

Rising poverty? Lack of employment? Mass hysteria over fast-spreading diseases of epidemic proportions?
Your government's preferred reaction.

Even after they realized that they had planted Carrot Top upside down, nobody bothered to fix the mistake.

"Congratulations, Mr. Peterson! Not only have you successfully Assumed the Position, but you have demonstrated a natural talent for Corporate Media Appreciation! Johnny, bring the flagpole, the Fox News banner and the extra- large jar of Vaseline. Mr. Peterson here is going to be our new standard-bearer!"

"*muffled* 'No, I think the President's doing a great job!'"

The typical conservative's reaction when Dubya says... well, just about anything, but in this case, he only needed a place to park his bicycle.

"Mr. Hussain? Are you down there?"

The Bush Administration leaves no grain of sand unexamined for the elusive WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

"Houston, you're not gonna believe this. The lunar surface is simply one poor, dumb guy's big head!"

Old Chinese proverb: Head in sand leaves large target ready to be slapped by gleeful hand.

They can do amazing things with sand sculptures these days.

Terrorist Training 101, Rule # 4: Molotov Cocktails are for bombing, not getting bombed.

"The government has finally found it's perfect model citizen in Mr. Edwin P. Mulrooney; head in the sand and ass presented properly for reaming! Our hats off to you, Mr. Mulrooney, a true 'Patriot'!!!"

In "Return To Mole Mountain", the planned sequel to 1956's "The Mole People", actor John Agar was to revisit the tectonically-ravaged remains of the underground Sumerian civilization, bringing social enlightenment and the idea of a representational government to the pathetic few who survived his last visit. Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on one's perspective - the intervening years had seen Agar's ego and pomposity grow to the point that they could no longer fully fit down a mole hole, and the film had to be scrapped. Few mourned the loss.

Senator Tom Daschle demonstrates the Democratic Party's plan for the 2004 elections.

The ruse complete, Jimmy the lizard (lower left hand corner) jettisons the headpiece and scurries off into the desert, leaving behind only his empty human costume and the sound of reptilian laughter.

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