"Will Cap for Food #117"

His 'whoop-whoop' was flawless, as was his 'nyuk-nyuk'. But it was his mastery of the 'Curly Shuffle' that won over Simon Cowell's black heart, assuring Generik a place in American Idol history.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had quite a ball
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Were blinded by Humpty's bald visage again.

"I don't know. I lost it near Little Big Horn somewhere..."

"No, Mr. Disney. I expect you to DIE!" <unplugs vat>

o/ N... Y... C..., what is it abouuut you?
You're big!
You're loud!
You're tough!
N.Y.C., I go years without you,
Then I can't get enough! o/

At last, a cure for loud Hawaiian shirts! Although, it has a few side effects.

"It's the shirt!"
"No, it's the head!"
"No, it's the shirt!!"
"No, it's the head!!!!"
"Quit arguing about which has the most glare, and pass me the sunscreen!"

The Amazing Colossal Generik, now playing at a drive-in near you.

Sadly he looks better without hair

Coming soon, underneath a bridge near you...

"No shit, there I was... with all my might I LIFTED the burning couch OVER my head and CATAPULTED it end-over-end right into the San Francisco Bay! It singed the hair off my head of course... but the SF-FD were SO grateful for me handling the job myself (so they wouldn't break their new manicures) that they donated a THOUSAND DOLLARS to charity in MY name! Hey! Wait! Where are you going? Don't you want to hear my latest Government conspiracy theory??"

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? #2836: Once he discovered bong hits, Pink Floyd records, and Prozac, life became a much mellower proposition for Lex Luthor.

Bizarro Santa!

Unlike humans, when Shrek the ogre gets seasick, he actually loses his green tint.

"Real men don't need hair!"

Sorry Ladies, He's Taken!

"Hey, I've got a great job, I work with a great bunch of guys and we're always playing practical jokes on each other. But I know that it will grow back, right guys? *laughs nervously* Guys?!"

Professor Charles Xavier's evil cousin, Shecky.

Good evening Mr. Bond. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Napoleon Areola. My associate, T. T. Twister, is about to demonstrate the remarkable influence a professionally administered purple nurple can have on one's decision making process. Please remove your shirt, Mr. Bond.

Product of a Truly Unspeakable Menage a Dix between Uncle Fester, Mr. Clean, Kojak, Dr. Evil, Yul Brynner, Lex Luthor, Moby, Billy Corgan, Tor Johnson and Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson.

"Daniel Pinkwater was right! The Fat Men from Outer Space *are* here! And they want our Twinkies!"

Coming this summer on FOX: Telly Savalas IS Jack Lord IN
"Kojak 5-0"!

"Tor Johnson IS Jack Lord in 'Plan 5-0 From Outer Space.'"

Mr. Clean doesn't have anything on Mr. Caring Man.

"Captain's log, stardate 07513. My Captain Kirk impression wasn't working out so well, so now I have shaved my head and I will start on my Captain Picard impression."

It's not hard to believe Erik's from San Francisco.

"Good morning, Mister Janx. It's time for your sponge bath."

Like Elvis before him, Yul Brynner really let himself go towards the end.

"o/ I shaved my head, just like Brian Wilson did... I shaved my head just like Brian Wilson- what, he didn't? Oh come on, not *once* in his whole life? I think you're lying."

Ironically his wife sold her watch to buy him a comb

Another proud graduate of the Capper Rehabilitation Camp. Congratulations, Erik! (Now, repeat after me: "Electroshock therapy good, capping instead of watching American Idol bad".)

It would still be a few days before the rosy pink hues of the tan would fill in on the top and back of his head. But Gen was content, knowing that THIS year his early preparations and pain-staking attention to detail would prevent any embarassing "chinks in his armor" at the George Hamilton Tanning Invitational. ...Provided, of course, that he also remembered to spend the requisite time squatting over the tanning booth, but that part was a given.

"Now one must to wonder here...Was Generik wearing the hideously offensive shirt to take the focus off his gleaming bald head, or did he shave his head to take the focus off of said hideously offensive shirt??? Hmmmm... Chicken or the egg... chicken... or... the... egg...???"

Co-starring Eddie Murphy as "Donkey."

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