"Will Cap for Food #112"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

When threatened by a rogue baseball cap, the male of the manager species rears up to defend himself and any li'l umpires who might be nearby. He relies on his years of training with Mr. Miyagi to help him ward off the approaching cap -- or maybe it was all those years spent as a can-can dancer. Either way, this head covering is toast.

Ralph Macchio often wondered if his trademark moves from "The Karate Kid" would impress the umpires.

The coach discovers that the pitcher's mound has been replaced by a colony of fire ants.

Try as he might, he'll never make the chorus line.

There's something you don't see everyday, Chancey?
What's that, Edgar?
A baseball manager pitching a fit?
Oh, I don't know, Edgar. Maybe he's just doing his Ti-Chee exercises?

If Lou can pull off this triple salchow, the pitcher will go with the changeup.

How Bob 'Nutcracker' Jones got his nickname.

"I like the routine as a whole, but that dismount really sucks!"
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to take points away for that one, too..."

Tryouts for this year's Billy Martin Follies were strenuous, as usual.

March 31, 2003-- Tampa Bay 6, Boston 4

o/ o/ He had it comin'... He had it comin'... He only had himself to blame... If you'da been there... if you'da seen it... I bet you, you would've done the same. o/ o/

"Bite me."

Tiger Woods, Robert DeNiro, and Billy the Hip Invisible Boy watch as Joe Don Baker does the "Crane" yoga position.

Not many people realize that before Lou signed with the Yankees, he had a brief fling at Radio City Music Hall with the Rockettes.

Rex Harrison is Tommy Lasorda in the "Ballbuster Ballet Extravaganza."

"Looks like those anger management classes really paid off."

Kicking the Invisible Man while dancing and singing songs from A Chorus Line seems really tame after last week's picture.

...Meanwhile, George Steinbrenner breaks into a spontaneous dance number called "We'll Do It My Way; You @#$%*@*!!!"

*sings* "When you get to be a Jet..."

<umpires talking> "You know, I love it when he does the high kicks. He should have been a Rockette."
"No, he could never keep up with shaving his legs. Besides, he always does this when the M's are leading after five. It's his rain dance. He just doesn't trust his bullpen."

Audiences are cautioned to be aware that there may be flying debris tossed into the stands during the exuberant Dance of the Sugarplum Managers, which directly follows the Four Ball Waltz of the Infielders in Act V.

After a 10-game losing streak, Piniella drowned his sorrows in a Jackie Chan marathon. Here, we see the disastrous results!

Captain Evil Elvis:
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

He's having a can-can sale.

"Just wait until he tries to snatch a pebble out of your hand, THEN see how funny it is!"

Kick, kick, turn, Fosse, Fosse, Fosse, shuffle, kick!

Rocky insists he's a Rockette but fans insist the sex change sucked.

Lou, like many of the other participants, gets frustrated by the complexities of the Steve Kline Ballet. "Ya might as well kiss me, 'cause yer f**kin' me!", he shouts.

"I'm a frickin' TEAPOT! Short and frickin' STOUT!" "Here's my FRICKIN' Handle! Here's my FRICKIN' Spout!"

After this picture was taken, the Irate Can-Can became all the rage, inspiring line-dancers across the country. Unfortunately, this frequently ended in tragedy in dance clubs where two lines were facing one another.

"Fantasy Baseball Camp" really takes on a WHOLE NEW MEANING here...*shudders*

Baseball and Ballet DO NOT go well together...

This is the -weirdest- interpetive dancing performance I've ever seen...

"Only truly dedicated coaches can blow baseball caps out of their asses."

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh'm FIFTY! Fiftah years ooold..."

Duet d'Eject


From that day forward, the Goodyear Blimp was banned from all Puppet Baseball events.

"Pardon me Mister Umpire Sir, while I really do respect your authority however I truly feel that you did make an improper call on that last play and perhaps in the future, if a similar situation occurs, you might take a closer look at the outcome and possibly present a different call. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to listen to my suggestion." Al was only halfway though completing his anger management class.

Denzel Washington and Robert Deniro, on location filming the next Matrix movie, take a break from shooting to discuss a scene. The Matrix 3: Enter the Diamond, is due in theaters Summer of 2004.

Apparently, the count is at ONE! singular sensation...

"The kick is up... and... it's... GOOOOOOD!! It's GOOOOOD!!! How about that, Arnie?"
"You're right, Jim, he cleared it by plenty with that kick, but I'm puzzled -- just how many runs is it worth to send the home plate umpire over the scoreboard in a baseball game, anyway?"
"I suppose it depends on how many men were on base, Arnie. But I think the point here is that the kick is good! It's GOOOOOOD!!!"
"Okay, thanks, Jim, and now for a word from one of our sponsors..."

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