"Will Cap for Food #110"

.oO{One more bite and I get to stick my head between Bambi's breasts. But one more bite and I'll hurl! Eh well, she can always take a shower, later. Besides, by the time she even realizes what's happened, I'll be long gone.}

Fried Foods, Beer & Boobs.
Heaven or Hell, Take Your Pick.
Pass the salt.

The women of the world plot their take-over by lacing the planet's entire supply of hot wings with arsenic on Super Bowl Sunday. It was so pitifully easy!

.oO I think I'm done eating wings, but I'd like to nibble on a breast or two.

Honest, I come to Hooters for the wings. You gals like to see what else I can stuff in my mouth?

~More chicken, sir? ~Yes. I'll have... uh... a pair of breasts.

.oO"Buffalo wings and beer, buffalo wings and beer, day after day, night after night . . . Man, who knew a guy could get sick of Hooters? I don't even care about the babes any more. One more buffalo wing and I think my colon will explode. And would it kill them to give me a basket of nachos once in a while? No, buffalo wings and beer. Stupid 'Man Show'. Stupid 'Lifetime at Hooters' contest. Stupid life."Oo.

Hank briefly contemplates the consequences of what his future holds if God is actually a chicken.

(1st Blonde) .oO Ewwwww! I just know he's gonna like spew all over the football field and stuff! Oo.
(Curly-haired girl) .oO Puke, you animal, puke! Oo.
(2nd Blonde) .oO Ewwwwww! I just know he's gonna...is that Bret Favre? He's so cute, I wonder if...Ya know, I really gotta do my hair tonight...This chick next to me is such a dweeb!...Ewwwwww! I just know he's gonna...
(Brunette) Hey, are those people capping us? Cool! I wonder how I can get into that!

He eats like John Madden and drinks like Howard Cosell. Mike had sportscaster written all over him.

When the giant conglomerate that owned Hooters and KFC (among other things) bought the New York Jets, tight end Bernie Waskowiak realized, with a sinking feeling, that if he ever wanted to be in a Super Bowl, he'd have to buy the tickets himself.

.oO(D'oh! Why didn't *I* think of that! I mean, LOOK at her! Now SHE'S got the right idea, while here *I* am storing wings in my CHEEKS for the long winter ahead...)

Wait, this is gonna' be on national news? Aww, SHEEET, I'm busted!"

Still too shy to ask for the breasts and thighs he longs for, Biff orders his seventeenth plate of wings.

Another appetizer, Mr Goodman!

Here is proof that buffalo wings served by hot girls is just not fun unless you're drinking beer too... and some bleu cheese dressing wouldn't hurt.

Ernie figured that if he ate enough wings, sooner or later they'd have to give him a breast.

"Ray Liotta packs on the pounds for his new film about competitive eating, 'Raging Gullet.'"

Charlie's breasts were close... I could just reach out and touch them if I wanted to...

Definitive proof: chicks dig a lardass.

The cast of "Sleepwalkers" goes to Hooters.

Oh my god! George Wendt and John Goodman have a son.

"Lost Kid Department, acting supervisor Dahmer at your service"

Wings, wings, wings.... is there NO breast meat for me to nibble on around here???

"Lamb fries are made from what?"

John Goodman finds it hard to force down one more dropped celebrity reference at the annual Playboy Mansion cookout...

Without Turturo's involvement, he wasn't at all certain of a favorable reception from the critics. But Goodman figured that with all the free hot wings he could eat from Craft Services AND the help of a bevy of buxom bimbettes, how bad could making "Barton Fink II: Electric Boogaloo" really be?

Suddenly, right in the middle of his feeding frenzy, Vince seized up and became motionless, wondering for minutes on end... "What if I'd ordered dark meat?"

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