"Will Cap for Food #107"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

The Fleenerville Staples Players proudly present "A Clockwork Orange": "I thiddied well, nn nen nere was ny deudithul Ludthig Than nouse pads nn sale nn aisle three..."

....and that's why you should never merely dabble with the affections of a manager at Office Depot.

So, a Staples employee walks into a bar, the bartender says "Why the Long Face?"

Marilyn Manson: 2050 A.D.
O~ We're all a part of the dope show!~O

Clive Barker's newest addition to the Hellraiser lineup, File Clerk Man...

Are you sure this is the Botox Party?

All you punk-ass kids who are into tattoos and piercings and think you're really cool? This is what *your* kids will be into. Have fun being a parent.

Amateur Cenobyte-ism is a scourge that must be stopped in our lifetime! Give generously today!

The Fabulous Meemo, the Office Mime, illustrates a point the boss wanted to make about using too many clips on reports. While that demonstration was bad enough, you should see what hell he has to go through when the sales people start using too many staples.

Little known fact: in Tim Burton's "Batman," Alice Cooper wanted to play the Joker.

"What? Me worry?"

"I got the Idea from screening Terri Gilliam's BRAZIL about 30 times in 48 hours, with no sleep -- how does it look?"

Yet another one of Dr. Kevorkian's suicide machines is a dismal failure.

"The Crow: Intern's Revenge"

"Just another day for Richard O'Brien."

Okay, who looked worse: Lara Flynn Boyle at the Golden Globes, or this guy...

One thing everybody liked about David is that he always had a smile on his face, no matter how he felt.

Meet Billy-Ray Clampett, illegitimate son of that backwoods oil tycoon, Jed Clampett and Elly May.

There are happy clowns and there are sad clowns. Jim is an indifferent clown. A *very* indifferent clown. And he's available for birthday parties.

"Say what you will, it's cheaper than Prozac."

Emo Phillips hopes to recapture the spotlight with his remake of Terry Gilliam's 'Brazil'.

In the grand sad tradition of Frank Stallone and Roger Clinton before him, Edward Scissor Hands' younger brother Steve Noteclip Head, would shamelessly solicit and happily accept any and all residual crumbs of fame that came his way.

"I told him he should stay out of those clip joints, but would he listen?"

Not even close, Michael Jackson is still number one on the freak meter.

Combining his love of rhinoplasty and his $20 gift certificate at Office Depot, Iggy tries his hand at a face lift.

Throwing caution - and civil liberties - to the winds, Secretary Ashcroft decides that protecting the country from potential terrorists requires some Ludwig Van and a touch of the ol' ultraviolence.

After defeating Goldmember and losing all that weight, Fat Bastard had to do something to make a living, so he joined up with the Lizardman and an entourage of freaks and toured the planet.

"I didn't know harmonica lessons could get so involved."

"Wow. Westmore's done a bang-up job on makeup this time. Where're we at for costumes?"
"Lots of sequins, lots of feathers, but butched up with an ammo strap here and there. Oh! and they all carry crystal knobbed pimp canes."
"Okrand tells me Farsi meets Aleut with a nod to rhyming Cockney."
"Get this: they're native to a system rich in naturally- occurring dilithium, only their religious fanaticism and unconventional modes of warfare lead to precarious relations with Earth. Plus, they hate a nearby colony of Bajorans."
"Well then, looks like all bases got covered. Get French Stewart and David Hyde Pierce on the line and tell'em their cameos came through."

"But we still need a name, sir."
"Huh? Oh. Whatever. Jablomians for all I care."
"Great. And may I say, sir: God, I love this franchise!"

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