"Will Cap for Food #7"

Uh oh! Looks like he has him in a half Nelson, or is that a half slip. Maybe a Rickey Nelson... No, wait. Wait... It's a Ricki Lake. No, I'm sorry wrestling fans. It's is what's call now a Rickey Martin.

"Oh, yes!!! That's the spot! You are SO good!"

"..but I want to wear the Spiderman Underoos!!!" ... "No Way! You've already got the Marilyn Manson Costume!"

Who knew the Los Straitjackets had such a dedicated fan base and such violent mosh pits!?

When a wrestlin' career's goin' nowhere, one good Biore-pore-facemask can turn it all around.

"I don't care *HOW* hungry you are -- for the last time, *LEGGO MY EGGO*!!"

Tune in tonight for a "very special" Christmas episode of Caption This!...

When product cross-placement goes horribly awry: "The Harlem Ballet merges with Sherwin-Williams."

When the Karma Sutra Attacks: Next, on FOX.

Steve Austin and Mankind would often get together on weekends for what they called "practice."

Whatever *DID* happen to Milli Vanilli?

Please send you money to the Spandex and Laytex ballet and Internet Porn site, because without your support art like this will disappear from our schools.

Jim Carrey enjoyed playing a comedian wrestler in "Man On The Moon" so much, he decided to go professional with it!

Ladies and Gentlemen... Presenting... The First Graduating Class of the WWF/WCW School of Chiropractic!

Item #56 in The Sharper Image Christmas Catalog:
The Mangle-o-matic Workout Gym, perfect for the sadist in your life. This state-of-the art mannequin can ride in style, supporting hairy leather men as heavy as 250 lbs. Comes complete with realistic flesh and bones, leg shackles, home piercing kit, and spiked leather mask. Riding crop not included.

Little did I know that my "Discount Chiropractor" was a WWF hopeful.

Josh & Harry thought they had sufficiently practiced their interpretive dance re-enactment of the Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader battle from "Return Of The Jedi." But when opening night saw Harry's shoulder dislocate and Josh go crashing to the stage with a fractured hip, they learned to their regret that the Force was not, in fact, with them.

The Mummenschanz gets violent.

*Celebrity Death Match commentator voice* "...and Howard Stern has Madonna in a scissor hold... and he goes for the arm... and... OH LOOK AT THAT! He's dislocated Madonna's shoulder! That's gotta hurt! But Madonna comes back with a swift kick to Howard's Private Parts! Hold on to your hats folks... this could get ugly!"

Michael Flatley presents: "Double-jointed Anorexic Mexican Wrestlers of the Dance!"

...when questioned about his unwarranted assault on the unsuspecting victim, the minor league wrestler told reporters, quote: "I saw my kids doing it, and I thought it looked cool!"

"The conditions had to be just right in order for Martin to orgasm."

Double-Jointed SheMan and his sidekick, Rojo Azul, demonstrate their crime-fighting prowess to the Super Friends in hopes of joining the League... to disastrous effect, as it turns out.

How Sigfried and Roy eat a Reese's...

Next up on C-SPAN, the Reform Party Presidential Debates.

It's a Ragbot vs. LuvBJones blood-feud, grudge-match battle to the death!

After being resurrected in 2327, famous pediatrician Dr. Spock resumed his career by writing a book on the special problems involved in raising adopted Klingon children.

Yes, it the newest GAP ad campaign. The Mexican Luchadores of WCW present "GAP Swings in the Ring!" o/ "Well, you jump and jiving, then you're ready to wail!! And don't forget that Harukurana move either!! Or the Frankensteiner from the top rope!!" o/

The Croatian mother will suffer any indignity for the complete happiness of her child, no matter the age. "Mommy... *giddyup*... throw back the other rein... *giddyup*, golden horsie! Weeeee!"

And now: *A Very Special Texas Chainsaw Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Massacre Christmas* -- on Fox.

It's about time the judicial system did away with all its nonsense and got back to REAL good old-fashioned dispute resolution.

After professional wrestling didn't work out as he planned, the Blue Avenger found a rewarding career as a chiropractor. Unfortunately, twelve dislocated shoulders later, he was, once again, looking for work...

*That's* my supermodel?! Refund!

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