"Will Cap for Food #8"

"Oh, HI there, Officer? Oh, this must look like... oh dear... oh, but I wouldn't really shoot anybody with this thing, I was just curious what it... um... hehehehe... *nervous laughter* ...right, Officer?"

'Heh... ehhhhhh... He hadn't been your partner too long, had he?'

I don't care. I'm not letting them brats come better armed than me.

You don't have time to think about nail color when you're dumping round after round of ballistic tip ammo into invading socialists and rioting poor. Thank goodness for Mary Kay!

Helga and Ursula, while on the firing range, realize that their love for guns and teflon, is matched only by their love for each other.

"Careful there... you'll put yer eye out."

...tonight on CNN, an indepth look at the recent outbreak of Tupperware party shootings by middle aged soccer moms.

"Now, you run along and do your homework, son. I've got work to do!" /"But Mooo-oom..... I never get to shoot any of the neighborhood kids!" /"Maybe after you finished your book report. Now, scoot!"

OK, Lady, OK! It's *your* deer... Just let me get the saddle off of it, ok?

"Excuse me, but -- as *I* will be modeling this gun, might you have one for me in a pastel green?? Or Pink? Something in PAISLEY maybe??"

"...so please, send your donations to "AK's for the Blind," P.O. Box 47, Littleton, CO..."

After her talkshow bottomed out, Roseanne decided to give up on showbusiness and join the Michigan State Militia. "Take this ya lousy commie scum!!!"

"Those brats will never roll *MY* house again!"

"Rubber bullets my ass... I'm gonna head up to Seattle for some real hunting... Uh... Where's the trigger???"

o/Another tender, Tennessee Christmas...o/

Not bad Marge, you got 47 out of 50 in the ten point ring. With the other three you killed a duck in flight, a deer running in between the trees and your husband hiding in the parking lot.

Nancy was so happy. All her life she'd wanted to be a "perp," and now she was finally going to get her chance.

Mrs. Johnson, the school board would like to talk with you about your class discipline methods.

Officer Petersen is about to demonstrate to the class why one shouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight.

"Thanks, son! This'll keep those bitches from cheating on Bridge Night!"

Hollywood was *pleased* to introduce the new Roseanne Barr divorce procedure!

"Uh, Mrs. Henderson? You do understand that we only let the cadets HOLD the guns and PRETEND to fire at their targets. There is NO live amunition in them."
"You're joking, right? You mean I can't kill my cheating husband with this?!?"
"I can't take my aggressions out on the local kids?"
"I can't even get rid of my bitchy mother-in-law?!?"
"Now hold on a minute, Mrs. Henderson..."

??? (no handle)
The only way Carny Wilson will ever be number one with a bullet again.

Who's the caulky little bitch NOW, Officer Cornhole...

The only way Carny Wilson will ever be number one with a bullet again.

Betty Passarelli was pleased to learn that, while the way to a man's liver, or maybe his spleen, was through his stomach, the way to a man's heart was through his thoracic cavity and ribcage.

Winona was determined to become a crossing guard for the local preschool. Her qualifications were below average, but she figured her motivational techniques made up for it.

"IIIIIT'S PAT!!! He/she's back and he/she's packin' HEAT!"

So much for 'Bring your mom to work day.'

After all these years, lifelong Aerosmith fan Janey Niedermeyer finally decides to take Steven Tyler's advice.

"Oh gee, you mean this ISN'T how you cockwallop somebody? Laws, is MY face red!"

o/~"Patty Hearst... heard the burst... of Roland's Thompson gun and..." HEY! Wait a minute! That's not Patty Hearst!

"Pop Quiz! International Terrorists have taken over the supermarket. One of them has a bomb strapped on his chest, 17 people are being held hostage and the power supply has been cut. Meanwhile, countless gallons of Ben & Jerry's are slowly melting away. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!"

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