"Will Cap for Food #6"

One of Norman Rockwell's lesser known masterpieces, "Human Sacrifice," was recently acquired for $10,000 at an auction.

"Oy! I knew I should have NEVER let those Jewish men convince my baby to join NASA's space program!"

The Israeli's First Baby In Space program encounters a minor technical difficulty.

*girl on phone* "*sigh* The stork left another one!" *voice from phone* "AGAIN?!" *whispers from the back* "duhhhh, whadisit?" *smack!* "Ow! Wha'd I say *THIS* time?"

Okay, how about "Ragbot and LuvBJones fight over the first 'Baby in Space' during the TelAviv Hairbra and Shopping Cart Convention."

"I know I left my family around here somewhere..."

Finding genuine virgins for sacrificial needs is getting harder and harder... After the mortified Rebecca is rejected over several past incidents of "heavy petting," the Kaballists decide to question her younger sister Rachel about any past improprieties.

Myra wondered if using The Three Stooges Babysitting Service was a good idea afterall.

°o (I should have just admitted to having sex.) "Jesus has returned in time for the new millennium. Let's kill him!" This holiday message has been brought to you by the 700 Club. Reminding you to distrust anyone who does not celebrate Christmas.

Yeah... I had him. A boy. Uh huh, yeah. They stole him alright. Yeah. No, they seem happy enough, let's get lunch.

Wait, your forgot his Mark Chagaul painting! ...oh never mind.

Baby Football wasn't all that bad of a sport until one of the guys did the Icky Shuffle and then spiked the baby.

"Yeah, we just finished watching 'The Lion King.' By the way, did you remember to use 10-10-321-1789-657-34-213-908 when calling me?"

Hello 911? Yeah, is that Lindberg kid still missing?

There was much to celebrate as this is the promised child... the child who will fetch a cool $60k on the black markets of Bangkok.

Can you move the baby a little to the left? My cell-phone still gets nothing but static.

As Sharon watched her baby return from orbit, she thought to herself, "They WARNED me about sleeping with John Glenn, but did I listen? Nooooooo."

(Girl in foreground) "That's right, Dan, it appears the Israeli attempt to be the first nation to put a baby into orbit has failed. The head of the science team told me just now that next time they plan on using more people, perhaps standing on each other's shoulders... for CBS News, this is Christiane Amanpour in Israel."

oO{Oy! I just fed him! I told them I just fed him! Oh well, they deserve whatever's coming (up) to them!}

"Oh, God help me, I'm next... why didn't my parents have me brissed as an infant???"

After giving birth at the school dance and discarding the infant, Tiffany was *horrified* to discover that teenage boys are dumpster divers.

The tenth-generation hand-me-down quilt dress isn't attracting one tenth the guys Granny said it would, the matte painting looks like a white wall, and you've just realized that the floating Jewish Star Baby will still do "what babies do," only now it'll be from the air. You've got Excedrin Headache No. 83.

"While NASA prospered under the guiding hand of German-born Werner von Braun, the Israeli space program was doomed from the beginning, when former Nazi rocket experts were rejected in favor of scientists recruited from Poland."

Moshe was agast... When Temple Beth Shalom announced a "return to tradition" he had no idea it meant ritual sacrifice...

"The second coming of Christ was thwarted at the Syrian border today by crack Israeli commandos. Troops wrestled the infant Jesus to the ground as He flew toward the Virgin Mary decoy (actually Mossad agent Sara Lowenstein, shown here calling for backup). The Christ Child's whereabouts are unknown at this time and considered a matter of national security."

Some people will bid ANYTHING on eBay!

..ooOO Oy! How they talked me into an outdoor bris, I'll never know!

Next on Dawson Valley, 90210: Jayne just doesn't see the fun in the new "Baby Tossing" fad that everyone's into, is there something wrong with her? James Vanderbeek guest stars.

Why wasn't I born a girl?!?!?

Darth Martha may have said that that dress design was a very good thing, but, girly, you've only yourself to blame for neglecting to thaw out the main course...

Your bris. Tampax was there.

Jenny was overjoyed at not having to get her new baby from the Cabbage Patch... and instantly dismayed to learn that NASA selects all its new breed of Infant Astronauts from the Grape Vine.

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