"Destruction Gallery Page 33"

Suck our fat one!

It will take many hours of work on the english wheel and banging it out with a hammer to complete Madonna's cone bra, and speaking of Madonna and banging it out with a hammer...

"Hey, I think I lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "I'm positive!"

When the Genome Project got to George Bush, it just gave up, sat in a corner and wept.

Uhhmmm...it's your move...I think...

Ellie Mae and The Cee-Ment Pond Singers!

"George said 'I am so fat.'" "HOW FAT WAS HE?" "I am so fat, when I sit on the front steps, 'blank.'"

Ezekiel saw the wheel, and what did he say? "Big ride, feels smooth!" What a tool, that Ezekiel. (I heard the same thing about drinking and the Match Game. It does explain a lot.)

What's that? Oh that's your surface to surface missile traffic solutions board. Damn these Bentley's have everything. Well you are paying for quality

"On*Star, may I help you?" "Yes, I'm lost." "Please wait while GPS is invented." (Dammit...)

How the CIA got Oswald to kill Kennedy. Let's see get curtain rods, pick up milk and cheese, kill President Kennedy? hmmmm Well it is a to do list.

"No, I'm sorry. Spencer Tracy won the Oscar. So let's see...that puts your brother on death row, and...okay, Mr. Fenwick, let's see if you can get your son's sentence reduced to manslaughter.

This is kinda how I've always imagined an introduction to Scientology meeting.

"And now going into round two, with the Fenwicks up by three, it's double jeopardy. Remember, Freddy, this state now uses lethal injection, so in the category of popular music..."

At the lowest ebb ever, Ned sat in the park clear of any cover, hoping for a sniper to start his spree. Nothing. Things never went Ned's way.

Just when he thought there was nothing left to live for Ted saw a sign. Jack in the Box, it wasn't much but he was hungry and let's face it he probably shouldn't aim too high.

And in a moment of clarity, his purpose became obvious: He would don a fearsome costume, striking fear into the criminal heart as he fought the good fight. Then on a sugar high he got some bacon.

At the Bruce Willis Student Driving Range: "Stay on his ass! Keep right on his tail. The next time he bears left, lean out the window and fire with the .38." "I haven't a gun." "Well, two demerits..."

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