"Destruction Gallery Page 31"

"Yes, Mr. Mooney, right away, Mr. Mooney, I'm off to the Clampett place immediately, Mr. Mooney."

Huey Long IS Thomas Dewey in "The Babe Ruth Story"!

"Oh, Herbert, I can't believe we're here!" "I tell ya, Margaret, ain't nothing quite like the sight of the Pop-O-Matic Memorial."

"But... I mean, I liked the show, too, but a whole MONUMENT to the Jeffersons?!?"

Modern sports fans have no appreciation of the past. They have no idea that, as a young broadcaster, Harry Carey had to battle an out-of-control lathe as he aired his show.

"Ohhh, baby. That's it. Fondle that egg. Now crack it. CRACK it, bitch! Oh, yeah. Now poach it. Poach it, you dirty whore." "Gerald! Are you watching our neighbors?" "Well, if OUR kitchen saw any..."

Oh yeah that's right reduce that gravy. Mmmmmm Yeah you know I like it.

And if you dare tell us our beer isn't good, we'll occupy your country.

"...does it" what? It's vital! What? What temperature? Hello? Are you there? You're my eyes and ears, dude! Oh, God, does anyone know how to operate an industrial pressure cooker?!?

...with your grandma. But getting back to the temperatures...

...followed by fingernails, hair follicles, pieces of gum and paper, and something we scraped off the floor in the cafeteria. Then everyone got fired 'cause no one's doin' their fuckin' job.

You mean like paying reporters to shill for government programs?

"Who turned me in?" "That's not important." "I have the right to face my accusers." "Sorry, classified." "It was that prick keogh, wasn't it?" "Can't say." "Just 'cause he wallows in shitty 'grabs."

"I agree." "Oooo, no, I'm sorry, Adam Sandler is *not* funny. Circle gets the square."

Well we were willing to give Generik the benefit of the doubt but once we saw that propaganda cap we knew he was getting preferencial grabs.

"Here's the smoking gun - we found this story board with the 'grab in question in Mr. Generik's underwear drawer." "Oooh, dude, and you're handling it without gloves?"

"No, no, we're all about hypothetical questions in my chambers. I'm just asking, HYPOTHETICALLY, how you'd feel about your liberty in exchange for a teabagging?"

"Mr. Generik, I see no reason for you to go to prison." "But they've got my name all over that 'grab." "Yeah, signing it didn't help you none. But this is an election ye...oh, wait."

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