"Destruction Gallery Page 29"

"Hey! I know! Look up... ummm... look up 'butt-licker'! See if 'butt-licker' is in there! Huh huh huh..."

Pah! "Base 8 is just like base 10, if you're missing two finger." ACTION LIBRARIAN is quick with the apposite quotation.

Dangit Billy, Stop that, now come on up stairs, the TV isn't going to watch itself

Emil was convinced the only way to keep students from getting high on mimeograph toner was to take a Tough Love approach: "Into the radial sander wit' ye, spawn o' [sniiifff] Satan!"

As soon as this toaster is sharpened I'll go get that headlight fluid and powdered water---heeeey!

So wait, the erased 3PO's memory I get that but why didn't Obi Wan remember R2 in the first film? Wait do you mean the Phantom Menace? No the the one from 77 Episode 5! Oh, what was your question?

Faux Fact #2,304: J.M. Barrie wanted to name his book "Peter PING!", but someone made some sort of machine and copyrighted the name.

"I'll have the name of the new Pope for you in just one second... as soon as the Ouija guides my hand... let's see... B...U...T... T... H... E... uh, hang on just a sec, folks..."

Bewildered Doughboys thought it was a fleet of killer skeeters, but by the time they realized the awful truth it was too late...the Kaiser controlled Iceland.

(The history we don't know.) "Well, if the only way to get this bouquet of flowers to the Fuhrer on time is to cross the Atlantic by myself, so be it."

When the Spruce Goose didn't work, as Hughes suspected it mightn't, he produced a back-up plan: The Wheelbarrow Sparrow.

"Mail it like you got a pair! Stand tall and proud!"

Vhy a duck? Vhy not a chicken?

"You don't mind if I... touch your box, do you?"

"You look good enough to cube and dip in hot cheese..."

Let's see? I shot a 4 on the 5th hole. & you whacked the caddie on the 6th.

*The Loaves Of San Francisco, a Quin Martin Production. Tonight's episode: 'A Friend in Knead.'*

I'll get back to explaining why this story needs a bread devil right after I'm done fornicating with this menu from the China Palace. TTFN!

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