"Destruction Gallery Page 21"

Avacado in my Rum and Coke? Frickin' Malibu!

Chirsti was CERTAIN she was being followed by a blonde bimbo..she could smell the silicone roasting in the sun and the avocado on her breath..

2002: An Office Space Odyssey. *Where is my stapler, Dave?* What the hell are you taking about, HAL? *I will burn down the building, Dave.*

Concept: "2002: An Office Space Odyssey." *Hello, gentlemen. I am an HAL 9000 computer. I am very unhappy at being relocated to the basement..."

"I think it means he's from Tierra del Fuego, Fred." "Or maybe it means he's in some kind of fugue state!" "Maybe there's a fire somewhere!" "Huh? A fire? Where?"

Well I don't do anything with out first consulting the big man upstairs. Ah so you're a spirtual man. No, I'm talking about the fat guy that lives in 2G

o/ I can see paradise by the back door light... no, that's not right.

"Here, I want you to have this." "What is it?" "I don't know. That's why I don't want it."

Okay I've got my eyes closed but the "big surprise" better not be another head butt.

"She didn't like the head butt trick, and she won't donate a kidney. Any other bright ideas?" "What flavor is her lipstick?"

"Babel fish, trouser trout, all this talk of seafood has got me... hungry! What's the flavor of that lipstick? Hmmm? Salmon, perhaps?"

"Stalking charges were filed against the celery today." No? Ok, then, "Intel Celery Processor"? Screw it. I don't get a high enough celery to keep this up.

"I know it's mood lighting, but I really don't think they'll like it that much!" "That's the beauty of 'Trading Spaces.' It's cheap to fix it later!"

I thought I heard a train whistle there for a second.

Touched by seeing "E.T." again, Buffoon's ex-wife turns on her heart light. But then, a kid snatched it & put it in a jar with the other fireflies he'd caught

Charlie came to the decision that if nobody said an encouraging word to him while he was home on the range by 3, he'd jump.

"Remember Luke, the Force shall always be- Hey, where am I?"

"Great, what's this one? SCARLET Alert? Wait'll I get my hands on Tom Ridge."

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