"Destruction Gallery Page 14"

You will be sent a packet of how your group is doing... think of it - for just $49.95, you can watch your Boy Band grow... that's less than $10 per person - won't you help today?!

I dunno. My mom wouldn't talk about my father. I just know that these antlers started growing when I turned 18.

Macho Combo Burrito? Yep. You sure you can eat that all by your self? I'm the Duke. Good point, by the way where the hell did you find a Del Taco around here? I"m the Duke.

Has TV been invented yet? No. How about now? No. Now? Look Ted if you don't shut up I'm going to go read some where else.

"o/~ rode through the desert on a me with no name. la la la la la o/~"

"Sir, it's just that, well some of the men were wondering, is this being directed by John Ford or John Huston? Jon Stewart? Are you sure about that?"

~Big Butte? ~That's 'big boo-tay'

"Laugh while you can, monkey man." "I don't get you." "Nobody does, sir, I'm like the wind." "Jesus, get a woman, already."

And then, Lieutenant Heston turns around... "Maniacs! You finally did it! Damn you all to hell!"

Hey, we passed this thing four times already. The Duke's got us lost.

Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? Yahhhhh!!!

"Fuck me! There I said it again!"

I know it. Don't ask me how, but I know somewhere SOMEBODY is eating pork rinds!

I said i was a bit experimental but somewhere between the lumberjack model and your mom squealing ride it I got way out of the mood

yes officer the plate was DX243R3, and i think it might help if you knew that one of the nuns was wearing a rainbow afro

"Wearing the t-shirt of the band you're going to see to their concert? Don't be that girl...HA! 'That girl'! I kill me!"


The annual Upland Snipe Festival, part of the November-long Sucker Days celebration.

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