"Destruction Gallery Page 12"

"He's the new ship doctor. I think his name is Smith. What's that moving around in his pants?"

We seem to be loosing every hand. Well gentleman the game is called you loose. Oh yeah. So how about another hand? Sure. Yeah okay.

last time, on Lethargic Kung Fu Theatre...

"Why, yes, I'm sure I'm in the right bathroom, thank you very much Now hand me my pumps."

So...I don't get it. They sell you a bottle filled with live Africanized honeybees? Then what? You open it and they sting you into a coma?

After attending the Jim Rockford School of Auto Driving, teambanzai attempts to do a complete 180 without ever leaving the garage.

oO(and please God let me show my butt in this episode, ahmen)

The by-standers weren't sure, but Elmer (the one on the left) could have SWORN it was a Flying Elvis BEFORE hitting the sidewalk!

Sadly when Bigfoot decided to commit suicide in public to draw attention to his cause he really didn't draw the crowd he'd hoped for.

Bigfoot's suicide was unnoticed because A. he was at Evergreen State College and B. he was mistaken for an Environmental Studies major.

Either these are quadruplets, or we'd better start scouring the basements looking for pods.

Better take a second look at their charts for allergies.

"Yeah, well when they said I could 'Fix it and Forget it' on my new crockpot, I did. Now I can't remember where I left it..."

Suddenly and without warning Terry's brain colapsed in on it's self into a sigularity sucking up 5 blocks with it. And all that just trying to decide where to eat lunch.

o/Dellll-taa Burke, what's-with that dress and who's that jerk... could it be you took a toke, and got too hiiiiiiigh...o/

But gold? Gold can kiss our collective ass!

The Christian Science surgeon: He doesn't operate, he just scrubs up and prays real hard at your bedside.

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