BuckFifty: Tonight on Easily Distracted PC Man. "Of course I believe that women are the total equal to m... HOLY SHIT! LOOKIT THE BUTTER BAGS ON THAT ONE!!!" |
soth: Since when did we switch to the Muppet Movie? |
Cartashia: Any moment now a platoon of trigger happy beavers is going to emerge out of the water and kill us all. |
spaz666: The lesser know Mafia Smurf. |
Earth2Kim: Ford. Built to last. |
sloth: "OK, OK, I'll change phone companies... Just dont hurt me!" |
soth: Followed by "Ice Cream Man: Adieu to the Epidermis." |
Otter90: He finally realizes that he is wearing what he's wearing. |
TGoodchild: "Depends adult undergarments. For real tough buckaroos." |
TGoodchild: "Star Trek on a Stick! Buy it now at www.scifi.com/store/! |
Geier: "That Sonic the Hedgehog IS a devilishly clever little scamp. But I swear to you, Bones, one day he WILL be mine!" |
Generik: Bones... have you seen the Guatemalan Insanity Peppers I left here last Friday... |
Imac: But all the other reindeer called him 'nimrod.' |
TGoodchild: "For the last time, Scotty! No Riverdancing in the doorways!" |
Loodvig: "Remember, mention this commercial the next time you visit Fremont, and you'll get a free jar of peas!" |
Geier: "Daisy, Daisy..." "Shut up, HAL." "Yes, Dave." |
matrix29: Imagine this shot on the big screen version. Ehhuggggg! |
Sarchasm: These poor children are being forced to watch "Batman Forever." Please send them money so they can rent a good movie... |
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