"Caption Gallery Page 26"
Note: Yes, all the images are broken. That's the joke.

Hey, allow me to welcome myself to broken icon theater. There's chips in the seat cusion, help yourself

Since I can't see the friggin thing, I'm just gonna say "pineapples."

Well, you just know that this will eventually turn into a big feud between the people with the "ripped gif" icon and the people with the "X on a gif" icon.

"X on a gif!" "Ripped gif!" "JIHAAAAAAAD!!!"

Something tells me there's a really creepy Night Gallery story behind this framed ripped-gif image...

"Hi Satans Penis here, and I'd like to......what? V-Chip? Dammit, my own creation comes back to haunt me."

Govt Training Film #-7: So You Offered To Save Captions For Artanas While He Was Gone...

It's all dark in here, like there's a black mask covering my face that smells of sweat and Erik Estrada...now I know how a Mexican wrestler feels.

So anyway, Ripped GIF and I were in the 82nd Airborne during the big one... He saved my ass at the Battle of the Bulge...

Who knows, I think Widget is around here somewhere...kicking the screengrabber, knocking off Shatner's toupee with a "gust of wind", eating the last donut...

*slapping Screengrabber* You dirty rat! You took my Chocodile, but you shan't get your grubby fingers on my EstePez. Some things are too sacred to me.

Holy cow--I mean WWF diva chick! Put that gal on the machine, her udders are busting.

After the war, Ripped GIF and I spent some time crewing on Bogie's yacht, the Santana... Great fun, but then Ripped started hitting on Lauren Bacall...

Harcore CT:CCG players may like to know RippedGif is uncommon, X-gif is rare, but SmallGiff is *the* ultrarare chase,with no foil cards in the "Freezer" expansion

Reynard T Fox. (2/2) Cannot be used to defend against any Anime card. "Yeah I know, I wanted the Rachel, but they gave me the Prudence."

I need to get fitted for some steel arms and a bionic trick nipple before I get my picture taken for my CCG card...

o/` "When a screengrab comes along, you must rip it. Before the captions get too long, you have to rip it..."

So, anyway, Bogart decked Ripped GIF... They fell off the boat and started grappling... Meanwhile, Bacall and I went below to grapple in a different way...

We now return you to the Ray Charles Channel... *boo hiss boo*

"Cripes, that bionic trick nipple caught me in the eye...I can't see anything now." "Yup you got 3 more points of damage...you're at furby status again, dude."

Intel Inside

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