"Caption Gallery Page 21"

Calm, relaxing meditation... imagine your huge honker of a nose, breaking the surf as it rolls in...

"Oh, Ambiguous Short Haircut Girl, let's go up to the bedroom right now! No... leave the Members Only jacket *on*. Rrrowrr."

Hello, Sci-fi kiddies, Pennywise the Clown here, and I'd just like to say BBRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH *turns into giant spider*

"I died.... bigger'n you..."

Don Lapre: Episode One: "Whadda ya want, kid?" "Hi, I'm going door to door selling big ads-" "Get outta my face you tiny little shit" "Hey, that gives me an idea!"

We'd add a catchy phrase to really sell the show with but "Behold the power of Cheese" is taken.

"Me? Oh no, I'm going to see that new Ellen Degeneres movie! You think there will be too much of a line?"

One of these three men was killed in the fray, and one committed suicide after he realized he accidently bought a Jar Jar figure in the heat of the moment.

What are the odds, a whole collection of Dork shirts and that's never happened to me.

How much for the Darth Maul Meat Substitute?

Really? Can I go to a Rey Instruction School? Ha! *ducks beer bottle thrown by Occupant*

Hi. I'm Leonardo DiCaprio. You may have heard that I'm the frontrunner to play Anakin in the next two prequels. Well, it's true and I just wanna take this time to laugh at JediClone, because for all his harping about my acting, he *knows* he'll buy all the little me figures he can get his grubby hands on. HA! Thank you.

When did E_B_A get his own SFC show?!

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I'm just a caveman. Your world confuses and frightens me."

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