"2005 Caption Gallery Page 12"

Now I'm not talking about anything long term. Just 30 minuutes in the back room with you wife is all I ask if you expect to get this loan.

As soon as they saw the dodgeballs, half the 10th graders ran to the nearby church and claimed "Sanctuary!" from the PE coach.

"Now, repeat after me... 'I must! I must! I must increase my bust!' You try it for a few weeks and let me know."

"Oh, I remeber the first time I saw a nekkid woman. Aunt Jilly Mae had just finished her bath and had to step out to the hall closet for a fresh towel. Amazed I'm still hetero..."

Temper your Christians by dunking them in cold water until the hissing and bubbling stops.

"Got enough air in there, mom?"

Actually all these seats are taken. You see I need a lot of room and I can't be slowed down by a dipshit like you.

Goofus plays games on the chalkboard, while Gallant studies dilligently. That's why Goofus has friends, and Gallant will be killing them all in a murder spree next year.

Yes, I have an announcement. Anyone who votes for me as class president will recive a free blowjob after gym class.

I want you to erite it 100 times on the board young lady. I will not solicite tricks in class without offering it to the teacher for free.

2 minutes later he cracks his skull open trying to do a Mary Poppins into the drawing.

"Stop that chalk drawing and sit back down. You're going to become a chimney sweep whether you like it or not!"

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