TheRopers: Fear his bloated self-importance |
wd40: Hell Yes I fear the crapper, my poops are solid and big as stumps! ...what ...what ...oh, the Reaper, that fool on CT, nah, nobody fears Kenneth! |
TheRopers: What's so scary about reaping? Norman Fell -- now that's creepy! |
TheReaper: Fear him. Fear the Reaper. |
TheRopers: Fear his meaningless diatribes, his unfunny captions. |
wd40: Stardate 2423-A-2423, fear the reaper take 24... okay Lorne, ACTION! |
TheRopers: "Aw, who's a cute wittle Weaper. Yes you are! Yes you are! You're Mommy's little precious!" |
Indomitus: "Aw, come on, captain. Connect Four always cheers you up." |
TyranosaurisRex: *Two* monsters? One on each wing? Mr. Shatner, I'm shutting you off from the 151 rum! |
Indomitus: "You talkin smack 'bout Little Joe? I KILL ya you talk smack about Little Joe!" |
TyranosaurisRex: Those smart-alec Canadian geese flying up here at 30,000 feet. Just look at that windschield now! |
Mr_Grant: <skrikk> This is your captain. Would the lady with the big bazooms in seat 14B like a private cockpit tour? |
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