HanoverF: Upon meeting any alien life form, Kirk's first instinct was to stick it down his pants... |
parakeetstorm: "Captain, can I try your Dick Tracy watch next?" |
HanoverF: Welcome back to the Federation's favorite game show, Red Shirt Russian Roulette...Place your bets. |
HanoverF: "Yo, Adrian... highly illogical." ....NEXT! |
FryGirl: ...amazingly enough, he also beat himself senseless with several police flashlights while he was handcuffed to the toilet in his cell! Imagine THAT! |
FryGirl: Here comes the bride, all dressed in pink, open up the windows and let out all the stink. HA! |
gleeb: There just isn't a lot of call for bridal/mourning dresses. |
FryGirl: "You know what this party needs? Chicks!" |
gleeb: I'll put it to you straight, stranger. I think you're Adolphe Menjou. |
UnReality: "Are we gonna have sex or not? This tux is rented by the hour." |
FryGirl: "You know what this cell needs?" "Chicks?" "Cafe curtains." |
UnReality: "What're you in for?" "Ambience." |
Mr_Grant: "OK. But next time, _I_ get to be Jon Voight." |
CheckmateKing2: "Don't even think about it, Otis. You wouldn't look good with red hair." |
dscully: The Million Stick-Man-On-The-Bathroom-Door March took place outside a greyhound station, protesting for cleaner work environments. |
SecretariatOnAMotorcycle: The duck, the deadliest of all creatures stalks his prey. |
amycamus: Famous composer of "In the Hall of the Mountain Fuhrer." |
Dirigo: I think they ran out of the letter 'U'. |
Dirigo: They've stolen Paul Bunyan's violin! |
fut: ...oO(How am I ever going to get this under my chin)Oo... |
Halfmech: Dave discovered new heights of delight when he discovered his date's fetish was looking at Paul Mitchell products. |
posthumous: Now with more things to get your nuts caught in. |
Halfmech: ...presented in the new "picture frame" format, which combines the fallacies of both "fullframe" and "letterbox" while diminishing all of their benefits! Bravo! |
Hinermad: The doctor said I have to hold my head this way so the lump will flatten out. |
144b: Can you see behind me? That's my blindspot. Ha Ha!! Get it, blindspot? Ahh, what do you know 'bout being funny? |
SecretariatOnAMotorcycle: My favorite architectural style - Mission Impossible. |
amycamus: "Somehow I don't think we're in business class anymore." |
amycamus: .oO(Oh crap - there's that guy I stole the shoelace from...) |
psychomorph: .oO Did I leave the range on...? |
Hinermad: "Look, son - go back east, where you belong." "But I want to stay. I can make a difference. This town needs a lawman." "Look at these people, Marshall. Most of 'em will be dead of stupidity in a month." |
Hinermad: SFX: "...be HEALED in the name of JEEE-sus! I COMMAND you DEMON to COME OUT!" Title fade in: "Prepare yourself for THE PREACHER ROM THE BLACK LAGOON!" |
eenveezeebleman: I agree, masquerade parties are a total drag. We don't dress for them either... |
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