HanoverF: "You called that a wedding cake? That was a ho-ho, I'm finding me another wedding!" |
Zonk: "Look, you got to decide the kill zone LAST time... now back off..." |
FryGirl: Whoa...I am SO into group connect-the-dots! |
TheRatfink: "Okay class pay attention......i before e except after mc 2. |
Montague: 'Your 30-weight or your life...' |
Montague: Mr. Finch would soon learn that gravity minus chessboard plus Indy500 finish line equals... AAHHHH! |
Zonk: "Remember, if someone in your audience yells "Focus", it's your responsibility to fiddle with the lens and then yell, "Shut the fuck up, it's as good as it gets." |
Soozcat: Current 3/2 odds on the river. Gentlemen, place your bets. |
Beckett: "Gee Whizz Louie! Will you give it a rest?!" |
wd40: The surplus Napoleons were given a complimentary shiny medal and then pushed overboard. |
Beckett: "Thank you for your service to our country...OVER THE SIDE...thank you for your service to our country...OVER THE SIDE...thank you...." |
Agent_Moldy: "Bless me, Father, for I have overdrawn my account." |
144b: I'll make ya a cake with a file in it for you, Garry? Louie, this is a tellers window? Oh, UH... Let me have change for a dollar. |
JurassicPork: Unfortunately encouraged by THE WIZ, Diana Ross then tackles RAPUNZEL... |
AMCrulz: Scenes from the first meeting of the masturbation abstinence group. |
AMCrulz: I had this happen to me once back in 1990 when I had that fever dream. |
Moatas: A Little Known Fact: During the 'Cold War', many secret devices were hidden in plain sight at circuses. |
144b: Too bad there were no skateboarders around back then. Otherwise, this would've been one bitchin' rail slide. |
Agent_Moldy: In a surprise twist, it was revealed earlier today that they are, in fact, *not* men, though they *are* Devo. |
FryGirl: "You're bleeding from the ears." "What?" "You're bleeding from the ears!" "What?" |
holenozone: "The guy at Home Depot said this would be so easy to install....lying bastard!" |
holenozone: "THIS!...this is what you look like after the colonoscopy goes terribly, terribly wrong!" |
Zonk: This man's hair is influenced by tidal forces. |
Dante83: Build a better bong and the world wwill beat a path to your parent's basement where you smoke up with your friends. Once the world finally rolls out of bed around noon or so. |
da_upstart: <scratch scratch scratch> "God DAMN, I gotta remember to pick up some Preparation H big time!" <scratch scratch scratch> |
gleeb: But he delayed too long. Remember, always have Preparation H on hand... |
echostation: Death by 'rhoids.... |
da_upstart: "Thaaat's alright, take your time. " <ka-klump ka-klump> "Easy. Eeeeasy." <ka-klump ka-klump> "Keep going, you can do it." <ka-klump ka-klump ka-klump> "COME ON!!!" |
Angel_Noir: "So..the Viagra...did you keep the receipt?" |
Angel_Noir: "It's Hawking in the lead, followed by Ironside. But, wait! Roosevelt is coming up fast on the outside..." |
Tommys Dad: "So... we're supposed to fly this woodie out to the coast ourselves?" |
E_the_E: "Fuck. We got Time Chasers." |
Dirigo: Cockroaches worst nightmare: The New York Times, Sunday edition! |
cambria36: Wanda always thought the last word in modern design was "design". |
Beckett: "Eventually, you know, we're going to have to fix this driveway." |
gleeb: *Must* you keep striking those things on my ass? |
GersonK: "The name is Friday. I work pastries." |
UnReality: "Your jelly truck broke down? I hope it doesn't cause a traffic jam!" "Oh, saints preserve us!" |
UnReality: "We can't stop here, this is pita country." |
Who: Unable to write a decent ending, the actors just leave |
posthumous: Why tell us when Stargate is always next? |
Bigstupid: Hi. I'm Sally the Superior School Bus. Today we're going to open a can-o-whoopass on those sissy BlueBird buses. The little boys who ride those are all going to turn out GAY |
Bigstupid: "No, you have to stop BEFORE the line...Maybe we should get you one of those flat-nosed buses..." |
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